Right now, even if it's just an advisory lawyer, the best law firm in Korea is hereditary.

"I can't win even if I file a lawsuit. He's going to get out of there anyway."

"I know that much."

Lee Chan nodded and stood up from his seat.

"I won't even go to court."

"We can't accept an apology, and we can't file a lawsuit. There's nothing to be gained, so why bother calling Maon....."

"Who doesn't get an apology?"

With cool eyes, he smiles with only the corner of his mouth slightly raised, but no matter how you look at it, it's not the force of a 20-year-old.

At least 300 years later, his charisma made his heart shrivel in an instant.

"Uh, what are you going to do?"

"I'll get an apology. Definitely."

Then he held out a business card.

"If you can't make a bold attack, hit it with a single hit and get out. Do some work behind the scenes."

I received the business card from Lee Chan and checked the name.

"Weekly Music Q idol editor Kang Min-ah? You mean the reporter that interviewed you last time?"

"We also deal with Internet news, so please read the article carefully. Siwoo fractured his finger in a fire accident, which disrupted his activities. It's a very unfriendly article."

So, everyone broke their fingers in a fire accident? not burn? This puts a question mark on your head. People will feel curious about the unkind articles that do not know the whole story.

Then you will be easily swayed by even the smallest information.

"You mean to create public opinion?"

Lee Chan nodded his head.

"Akira will be under some pressure. The L.I.T fandom just won't sit still."

Yes, Filament is a bit of an eccentric fandom.

It's small, but the firepower is amazing.

Well, it's hard to see it as a minority now.

"Okay. Then I'll contact her and put out an unkind article as you say."

Then Lee Chan smiled and nodded and was about to leave the office.

"You? Going to the dorm?"


"Then what are you going to do?"

"I promised to get an apology to the kids."

I felt strange.

I wonder what a kid who has just turned 20 can do, but for some reason, I felt like Lee Chan could do anything. After nodding his head, PD Pyo clenched his fists and shouted Fighting. Then Lee Chan, who smiled even more deeply, nodded his head and left the CEO office.


I took a taxi and got off at a bus stop near Seoul Forest. Then I sat down on a bus stop bench to organize my thoughts.

According to Yunoa, the same light as mine flows out from the children because I constantly instilled magic power into them.

Things with strong energy are entangled in that light, and not only 'goodwill' but also 'malice' corresponding to it are attached.

Wasn't Siwoo's accident caused by such 'malice'?

The middle of my chest hurts heavily.

"It's my fault after all."

My children got hurt because I existed, and I couldn't protect them because I was weak.

"Then I just have to become stronger. I just have to become stronger and make it impossible for them to touch my person again."

Magical power once poured into it cannot be turned into nothingness.

Of course, there is no way at all.

I have to take it by force, but if I do that, I have to give something in return for the amount of my magical power. That's why it's dangerous for children.

Then there is only one way.

It is to use the 'recovery magic' that only the 9th circle wizard can use.

The magic of recovery, that is, the magic of turning everything back to '0'.

It is called the 'essence' of magic and can be adjusted from level 1 to level 4.

Step 1 retrieves memories, step 2 retrieves mana, and step 3 retrieves materials. It is a magic that is dangerous from 4th level onwards, so even if it is the same 9th circle, it is a magic that is forbidden to use except for the archmage. It's about retrieving the soul.

What is needed is the second step, namely, mana recovery.

To do that, I must be in the 9th circle.

"Damn it."

Anyway, I have to be strong, and until then, I have to protect my children properly.

"Let go of the grudge you had before that."

At that moment, a female student caught my eye. The schoolgirl is in her school uniform with her red school bag slung over her shoulder.

Like a student of her age, she is immersed in her cell phone and is actively teasing with her fingers.

I thought that if I did well, she might be interested in me.

Activated the spirit of the heart. I will not waste time, use it briefly and boldly, and finish it.

《Did you see the article? No, what about L.I.T. Isn't Siwoo oppa seriously injured? As soon as Chan oppa arrived at the airport, he became contemplative and ran away ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ》

《I heard that they were together, is he okay? Light bulbs, shouldn't we do something? Shall we protest in front of TVH? Do you want to clarify the truth?》

I was wondering what she's writing, but it was on our fan cafe. As expected, the color of mana was different, so it was a filament. Besides, the energy she spits out in anger is no joke. Just right. The fighting power is also different.

Yes, the red backpack. I choose you.

I got up from the bench at the bus stop and walked over to the red school bag and blocked her way.

Her fierce eyes immediately returned, befitting her level of combat power.

"What is it? Blocking people's way?"

The red school bag stopped talking and blinked. She recognized me at a glance, but she couldn't believe it even when she saw me.

"Yes, it's L.I.T. Kang Yi-chan. Please help me from now on. Miss Red School Bag."

Activated the 5th stage of the presence of mind.


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