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"such a charming young man" the woman who was measuring him said. Apparently this school had a uniform, he just prayed it wasn't hideous. Yor smiled. "He is isn't he?" Killua smiled. "thank yous!" he made sure to be extra friendly to people outside his newfound household, wanting to make a good impression on people. "Hey Mama, if my clothes rip I can fix it!" Yor glanced at him. "huh?" Killua beamed. "I can sew!" the woman laughed softly. "I bet you can dear" she said, measuring his waist next. Yor smiled. "that's great Killua, an excellent quality for a bright young boy such as you" Killua glowed at the compliment, eyes shining. "yay!"


Killua was being instructed on what to do. His midyear interview would take place during the school day, so Anya wouldn't be there and his parents weren't allowed to join him this time. Since they'd already evaluated Loid and Yor, there really was no need anyways. Loid sighed. "make sure to show as much elegance as possible, and be polite and concise" Killua nodded. "Alright" Yor smiled. "we practiced this a few times, so you should be good. Oh! Also make sure to say your six" she said, worriedly. "I'm afraid we could only sign you up as an entrance level student" Killua smiled. "that's ok, I don't mind"

Loid nodded. "you'll do great, you already aced that test" Anya ran out and hugged him. "Want big brother to walk me to school today!" she said, smiling. Killua hesitated slightly when she called him that. Focus Killua... Killua faked a smile, then patted her head. "I'd love to" he said. Anya grabbed his hand and ran with him out the door, laughing. Loid sighed. "be safe!" Anya hummed. "me and big brother have matching ootfits!" Killua blinked. "you mean outfits?" Anya nodded. "Mhm! Ootfits!" Killua laughed. "it's pronounced 'out'fits. Out." he said. Anya blinked up at him. "Say it with me Anya. Out." Anya smiled. "oot!" Killua sighed. "close enough to be understood I guess"

The walk to school was kind of long, and Killua ended up having to carry Anya half way there. She snuggled into his shoulder half asleep by the time they got to the front gates. As soon as he walked past them, he felt eyes on him. Killua kept walking, he'd been told about this. His interview wouldn't be a traditional one, but Anya had told him all about the one she'd had on the walk to Eden college. Killua gently woke her up. "Anya" he said. Anya yawned, opening her eyes. "hm?" she smiled and slid down, landing on her feet with a bounce. "thank you very crunch big brother!"

Was that a pun-? Killua smiled. "your welcome sis" Anya ran off to class, and Killua focused. He kept his stride neat and tight, he'd done a six month course on diplomacy with some of his butlers at his estate. He noticed a statue that seemed to be some sort of monument. Killua paused for a moment, and bowed to it before continuing on his way to the door. He noticed two or three other students there as well, all of them were glancing around nervously and didn't seem to know what they were doing. He also noticed a little girl crying, her hair seeming to be stuck in a bush.

Killua kind of felt bad for her, so he walked over "Hey, are you alright?" The girl cried hard. "M-My hair!" Killua hummed, eyeing the thorns. "here, let me help" he said, gently untangling her hair. It took about eight minutes, and he was probably going to be late, but she was cut up a little...and he couldn't just let her stay there. "T-Thank you..." she mumbled, as the thorns slowly let go of her hair. Her cheek was a little cut up and he grabbed the first aid kit from his bag and put a bandaid on her cheek. "there, but you should probably see the nurse too, should I walk you there?" She shook her head, face a bit red. "N-No thanks!" she said, then ran off. Killua blinked, then kept going.

"care to explain why you were late?" an older man with a round face and a mustache said, looking down at him. There were three older men there. One was the headmaster, the other was the rounded male, and the third with a man with a squarish face and a kind look on his face. He bowed. "I'm sorry, a girl got her hair stuck and she was bleeding and I couldn't just...leave her there..." he said, sitting down. The kinder looking man hummed. "I see your already in your uniform, even though you haven't been accepted yet"

Killua smiled. "Mother and father were confident I'd make it" The headmaster nodded. "you did do exceptionally well on that test. Allow us to ask a few questions" Killua answered as politely as possible, having prepared for each and every question that was thrown at him. However one came up that he wasn't expecting. "if you were to rate your parents from one to ten, what would their ratings be?" the kind man asked. Killua had to think for a moment. Hm... "They adopted me and gave me a chance so..9 out of ten. I can't give them a ten out of ten because I haven't been there long enough to know. But they are really good parents, and don't treat me different just because I'm not their real son" he smiled happily

The round face man chuckled, and the headmaster gave him a warning look. "your adopted? Well then, how would you rate your old parents?" ... Killua's eyes darkened, the three adults quickly noticed. "you have to answer the-", "zero" Killua said quietly. The room was deathly silent for a few moments. That question had...struck a nerve. Don't think about them.. "well little boy, would you mind telling us why you rated them so low?" the round face man said, staring him down. Killua raised his head. "No thank you" he said. The man sighed. "if you refuse to answer, you lose points"

"No thank you" Killua repeated. He didn't care, that was the one question he refused to answer. The kind man sighed. "the boy's old parents were obviously not good ones, it's not right to-", "shut up" the man growled. Killua cleared his throat. "sir, you set the example for kids like me. You can't expect students to be civil if you yourself can't be" he said. The other two older men's eyes widened. The third turned his eyes on killua with a scowl. "You be quiet you little brat" he growled. Killua met his eyes with a blank stare. He didn't show any sign of backing down.

The headmaster cleared his throat. "I've seen enough, this interview is over" the round face man huffed, standing up. "as expected. Disrespectful brats like you don't deserve to set foot in this school." Killua was starting to get a little pissed so he stood up as well. "the only one being disrespectful here today, was you sir" he said, with a bow. "I'll take my leave, thank you" without another word, he turned and walked out the door.

1205 words

To be continued...

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