Our Wedding Day-Chapter 34

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Y/N's pov

Those 2 days took forever to get hereee. I was blasting music while dancing because today is the daayyyy. Huey and the guys were gone they left to go get ready and type shit. We was gonna go in a bit but they had to leave first since Huey and the keys to the building to let everyone in. I was getting my stuff ready so I could just finish up at the church and heard a knock on my door. The door opened and it revealed Jessica.

Jessica: Heyyy Mrs. Freeman

Y/N: Whatever.

Jessica: Are you excited?

Y/N: Of course I am I just hope Huey is to.

Jessica: I'm sure he is even tho he doesn't show it. He's smiling on the inside.

Y/N: Yeah but the outside would make it look more...you know. When he doesn't show at least a little happiness I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

Jessica: Understandable.

Y/N: He said he'll think about it but you know I don't want to force anyone. If he doesn't he just doesn't but at least I know he loves me.

Jessica: Yes ma'am.

Y/N: Soooooo. When we leaving?

Jessica: In a bit. I mean y'all wanted to get married in the morning right?

Y/N: Yep.

Jessica: Then y'all going straight to y'all honeymoon.

Y/N: Yeah tomorrow. I mean it's gonna take us a minute to get there. So we're gonna stay at a hotel. It depends tho Huey be spending.

Jessica: Ohhh okay. Well Yeahhh we want y'all to have a good time and type shit. You know....make babies.

Y/N: No. We both agree that we didn't want kids at the moment.

Jessica: Well at least have them before 45.

Y/N: Whatcha mean?

Jessica: Don't have none too late but don't have none too early either.

Y/N: Yeah. I get it.

Jessica: Sooo you ready to go?

Y/N: Yep. I got everything I need and il let dress when I get there.

Jessica: Okay, let's get moving then. Mrs Freeman.

I giggled as I collected my stuff. Hearing that last name makes me know it's close to being official.

Huey's pov

I was in the groom room, adjusting my tie. Ceaser and Hiro was sitting on the bench while Riley was just leaning against the door frame on his phone.

Ceaser: Excited?

Huey: Yeah

Riley: Damn sure don't look like it.

Huey: Whatever. Just know I am in the inside.

Hiro: What about the outside man?

Huey: I am on the outside to.

Ceaser: You could at least smile once for your wedding I mean you about to be married to the woman of your life.

Huey: .... Smile? Again? Y'all know I haven't smile since

Ceaser: Yeah since you was like what?

Hiro: 3-4 years old. That was so long ago.

Huey: .... Y'all already know the situation. It's hard to just move pass things like that.

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