Meeting Up With Tisha-Chapter 23

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Huey's pov

I was changing my clothes to go visit Tisha so I can just be over with this case already. Why me? Why not nobody else? It could've been Hiro gay ass. I swear when it's over I'm gonna spend the rest of my time on nobody else but Y/N. This is supposed to be our vacation that we focus on our wedding. Y/N entered the room with folded arms.

Y/N: Anddd where are you going?

Huey: Tisha's. I have questions to ask her to solve this case with Dev.

Y/N: Oh hell no, let me come with.

Huey: No.

Y/N: What do you mean no!? You ain't about to be in no prostitute house all by yourself.

Huey: Who said I was there for her body?

Y/N: She's gonna want you there for your dick.

Huey: Who said I was gonna give it to her?

Y/N: It's called seducing, Huey.

Huey: Cool, I'll add it to my dictionary.

Y/N: Huey, why won't you let me come along?

Huey: Don't do that innocent shit on me. You didn't let me come along when you went to visit Dev.

Y/N: You and him can't be in the same room with each other without y'all barking at each other!

Huey: Same with you and Tisha. If she says one ignorant thing y'all gonna fight. So no stay yo ass here.

Y/N: ......

Huey: Silent treatment now?

Y/N: If you don't let me come you sleeping on the couch.

Huey: Then the couch it is then.

I went downstairs and hear her following right behind me.

Y/N: Huey!

Huey: Whaattt?

Y/N: Let me come!

Huey: No, just stay here and make some cupcakes or something you love doing that.

Y/N: Well then you not leaving.

Huey: Who gonna stop me?

I turned to the door and saw Hiro, Riley, and Ceaser blocking it.

Y/N: You not leaving.

I scowled and turned towards Y/N. I'm getting irritated I'm only gonna be gone for an hour.

Y/N: I don't give a fuck about you being mad.

Huey: You overreacting. You did the same to me when it came to Dev. Don't start that shit now.

I walked towards the door and they got closer to each other to block it even more.

Huey: Get the fuck out the way.

Riley: No nigga.

Hiro: She paid us to do it.

Ceaser: Yeah, no can do brotha.

Huey: Who paid for this house for y'all to live in.

Hiro: You got it, zaddy.

Riley: Nigga what the fuck. But I guess you got a point.

Ceaser: Damn

They moved out of my way and I walked out of the house. Getting into my car and drove off.

Y/N's pov


Hiro: Sorry N/N, but he did had a point.

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