Chapter 15

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Chaitanya's POV

I grab my keys and run out the door to my car. Mom and dad are behind me, yelling for me to slow down, but I don't pay attention to them. I need to see Sam, I need to tell her how sorry I am. I need her back.

Getting into my car and turning it on, I slam down on the accelerator and speed all the way to the penthouse, praying that she hasn't moved out or left the place, because if she has, then it would be impossible to find her.

I reach the elevator but see that it's out of order. Damn it.

I run up the seven flights of stairs and finally reach the penthouse, completely out of breath.

"Sam?" I shout as I knock on the door. "Sam, please, open the door. I'm so sorry. I love you."

I look under the rug for the spare key and find it. I quickly unlock the door and walk inside. It's dark, but Sam is usually home by this time. Her not being here worries me. What could have made her late? What if she's hurt? Or worse?

I quickly pull my phone out and call the hospital.

"Hello, Akkineni-" The receptionist starts, but I cut her off.

"Doctor Samantha Akkineni, is she there?" I ask.

"Who is this sir?" She asks.

"I'm Chaithanya Akkineni, now tell me, is my wife there?"

"Sir, she got admitted." The woman says.

"Admitted? What happened?!" I shout into the phone. No, no, no, this can't be happening. Nothing can happen to Sam.

"She's gone into labor sir," The woman replies, clearly confused.

"Labor?" I ask. No, it's not possible.

"Yes sir, she was on her way home when she went into labor." The woman says. "I thought someone informed you already."

I'm out the door in seconds. I press the elevator button but the elevator takes so long to come up. Losing patience, I run down the stairs and to my car. Pulling out of the parking lot, I rush to the hospital.


I called mom and dad on the way, and from their reactions, I assume they knew about Sam's pregnancy. I told them she went into labor and to meet me at the hospital.

"Where's Samantha?" I ask the receptionist.


"Sam, where is she?!" I shout.

"Maternity ward, theater two." She answers, clearly shook.

I probably look like a mad man right now, but I don't care, I need to see my Sam. I need to be there for her.

I run to theater two in the maternity ward to find mom, dad, and Sam's parents. They all look at me when I arrive.

"How is she?" I ask, out of breath.

"She's still in labor." Mom answers. "You can go in."

I take deep breaths as I walk towards the room. I open the doors and walk in, making all the nurses and the doctor to look at me.

"Sir," the doctor says.

I don't say anything to him. All I hear is Sam holding in her screams, and it kills me as I hear the noises of pain coming from her. I walk closer to her and my breath is taken away when I see her face.

It's been too long, too long since I've seen her face, since I've been this close to her, and I hate it.

"Sir, please, wear this." A nurse hands me a hair net and blue shurbs to wear and I slip them on as I walk to Sam.

"Sam?" I say, and her eyes open. I stare at her, taking in every feature.

"Chay?" She whispers.

"I'm so sorry," I say, grabbing her hand in mine. "I'm so sorry I was an idiot. I'm so sorry Sam. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm so sorry."

She shakes her head, slightly smiling.

"You didn't Chay. You didn't do it on purpose." She says.

Tears stream down my face.

"Forgive me, please." I beg her, holding her hand to my head.

"I don't need to Chay, I love you-" She starts, but is cut off by the labor pains, making her shout in pain.

"We're ready, push Sam, push!" The doctor says.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Sam shouts, squeezing my hand.

"Push!" The doctor orders her again.

"Gah! CHAY I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR DOING THIS TO ME!!" She shouts as she pushes.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I say, unsure of what to say or do.


It takes about fifteen minutes before a cute little baby boy comes out, crying, but apparently it's not over. Sam goes into labor for a few more minutes before a baby girl is born.

"They're twins." I breathe.

"Yeah, and they fight like crazy." Sam says, out of breath and tired.

I chuckle. "I'm sorry Sam. I should've been there for you." I say.

"Hey, it's not your fault. I'm glad you're here now though."

"Me too, I love you." I say.

"I love you too."

And she drifts off into a deep sleep, tired after what she just went through, and I watch over her, not letting anything or anyone disturb my princess. And I vow to myself, in this moment, that I will always be with her.

Hey guys! What're your thoughts on this chapter? Let me know! So I was debating on whether I should publish now or wait till the weekend, but I couldn't wait, so here it is! Chapter 15! I have an epilogue planned as well, because all books need an epilogue loll. That will be coming probably in a few days, so stay tuned!

My goal for this year is to finish the books that I started and start new ones after that. I'm almost done with I will always be with you. Next, I'm going to Ex-DCP Vijay IPS and Osi Rakshasi till I finish those.

Anyways, comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote and share the book with others!

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