Chapter 9

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Samantha's POV

After Chay proposed to me, Akhil popped a bottle of champagne and we all had a drink. Everyone congratulated us, and I couldn't be happier.

"Sam, let's go home." Chay says once everyone leaves. Only me, Chay, Chay's parents, and Akhil are left, along with a few aunties.

"But no one's at home Chay." I say, falling against him. I drank a bit too much.

"Okay, come to my house then." he says.

I look up at him.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yeah, why are you so shocked?"


"We are engaged right? It's okay. You can stay at my penthouse tonight."

I stare at him. He looks so cute in this suit. I sigh.

"Okay, fine."

"Good, because from tomorrow, our parents will be all over us about our marriage. My mom is already making plans with the aunties." Chay says.

I giggle.

"We're getting married." I say.

"You find that funny Ms. Ruth Prabhu?" Chay asks.

"Of course Mr. Akkineni. I find that funny."

"Oh?" he raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah." I smile teasingly. I reach out to grab my glass of wine, but Chay pulls my hand away.

"Okay, you've had enough to drink." he says.

"But I want one more sip." I whine. "Please?" I pout and give him puppy eyes.

"No. Let's go." he says, pulling me to follow him.

"No." I say, standing firmly.

Without leaving my hand, he walks up to me and picks me up. I squeal as he throws me over his shoulder. His family and the aunties are laughing as I flail. I feel myself blushing.

"Chay!" I say, burying my face in his neck.

He carries me all the way to his car and opens the door before setting me down. I wobble a bit, but manage to stand upright. Chay opens the car door for me.

"A gentleman." I giggle before getting in.

He chuckles to himself, shaking his head, and closes the door. He walks over to the driver's seat and gets in before driving to his penthouse.


I'm practically asleep when we arrive at Chay's penthouse. He shakes me.

"Sam." he says. "Sam, get up."

"Ughh. Let me sleep." I groan.

"Sam, we are here, come on." he says.

"Let me sleep Chay." I say again.

"Okay, suit yourself. I'm going in." he says.

I keep my eyes closed, hoping he would carry me upstairs. I am too lazy to walk myself. I hear his door close. I try not to smile as I wait for him to come over to my side. A few seconds later, I hear the car locking. I immediately jerk up. I quickly unfasten my seatbelt and open the door.

"Chay!" I shout, looking around frantically.

I hear him laughing behind me. I turn around to see him practically crying from laughing so much. I stomp up to him.


He tries to calm his laughing down.

"Idiot!" I shout, shoving him.

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