It wasn't that the wind had calmed it had completely vanished, the storm was left behind the boat, the clouds hovering and drifting further as if there was a barrier keeping them from crossing. The air was warm, but it was uncomfortably silent, even the seas had gone mute.

'Was this normal?'

Nami screamed, "OH NO!"

With a little misstep, Sakura came down the stairs looking out into the calm ocean.

"What's wrong Nami?"

"We've entered the Calm Belt!"

As an interloper, Sakura didn't realize the reason for Nami's distress but the rest of the crew were just as stumped as she was. They were watching as Nami clambered around, telling the boys to get out the oars and start paddling back into the storm.

Though the Going Merry was a sailboat that drifted with the wind, however, Sakura felt that there wasn't a single breeze.

"Why are the seas so....eerie? There's no wind," Usually the oceans always came with winds, pushing and pulling the waves but nothing of the sort was happening right now.

"We just drifted South as Zoro suggested,"

"Oh so are we in the Grand Line?" The moss head asked, glancing out with a carefree expression that simply further irritated Nami.

"The Grand Line is surrounded by two ocean belts. Those two windless belts, the Clam Belts, are where we're stuck right now,"

"So what's the point?"

Nami screamed, "THE POINT IS-

There was no need for her to explain any further as the ocean began to tremble and the boat shook from the force and waves and rocked them around. But it wasn't coming from a sudden wind. Down below, shadows began to come through the murky water and onto the surface, sprouting proudly. Heads of creatures resembling animals yet morphed to take on a more monstrous impression and with scaly skin, fins, and gills, any semblance of sea dwellers.

The Going Merry was no longer on the sea but had been lifted on the snout of one of these creatures who seemed oblivious as they weren't in its line of sight despite being on the tip of the nose.

Sakura sunk to her knees, glancing over the side of the ship, "Oh...."

Nami was clinging to the mass crying, while Usopp had nearly passed out foaming at the mouth from fear, Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy gave silent screams and were already holding the oars.

"The Calm a den for sea kings...." Nami whimpered, her legs becoming noodles as she held onto the ship.

This had taken even Sakura by surprise. Some of these creatures were the size of the largest summoning animals. But summoning animals were able to communicate with them

Zoro was in a cold sweat, grasping the oar, "As soon as this thing dives back down row your damn arms off,"

"Aye Aye!"

They weren't that fortunate as the creature rumbled, a vibration shook the boat, and its nostrils flared and pulled in the air before releasing a loud sneeze that blew them through the sky like a stone ready to skip along the ocean.

For a moment, everyone was air born but managed to keep themselves lined with the ship floor. Another sea king spotted them and might have mistaken the ship for a fly as the creature itself resembled a frog and was able to leap at such a distance. Sakura kept her feet on the ground with chakra, but it seemed that she was just holding steady on the side of the ship.


Luffy had to pull Usopp to safety and though they were sent far into the air it wasn't long before they were falling and landed on a clear spot on the sea.

Kunoichi amongst PiratesWhere stories live. Discover now