All my cousins look like they're going to cry, Neteyam's the first to go hug her and promise that he won't move. The rest of them nod and answer that they promise.

"We'll be okay mommy," Tuk says hugging Neytiri's legs.

"That's the plan," Neytiri whispers as she lovingly brushes Tuk's hair with her hand.

"Be safe," she says before walking out.

I shoot a glance to Spider so he knows that everything Neytiri says applies to him too. Stay put.

"We will take these people down, they think we don't expect them," I tell my aunt.

"I hope you're right, because from now on, we'll have to fight until we end with every single last one of them," she says. I gulp, I know it and it terrifies me.

"Stay safe, Anatuat," Neytiri tells me and hugs me.

"Stay safe, Neytiri," I tell her back.

She goes to her Ikran and I go back to the beach with the crowd.

"Everything okay?" Miles asks me.

"Yeah, she just made one last stop to warn the kids not to try something," I answer.

"Very well," Miles answers.

I take out one of my axes and start doing that thing that Miles hates as I circle around my arm.

"Anatuat-" Miles gets silenced by the sound of something impacting near us and the impact makes us all stumble.

"Get down, get down!" He shouts, some of the people shout it too and they disperse.

He takes us to a place behind the rocks.

"Wait here, we need to know where they're shooting from," he says and runs off.

"Miles!" I shout but don't move as I see another bright yellow flash and feel the earth tremble.

I wait until I hear more of their commands or at least see a human that I can throw my axe to, but soon enough I hear it. There's a helicopter, not a ship like we were expecting.

I see two of them, they start to lower a ladder and people climb down from them, soon the battle begins.

Many of them are quickly determined by the warriors with spears, but then they start shooting so they have to disperse.

I can't wait here without doing anything anymore so I start running, dodging bullets and slashing people where I can.

Neytiri shoots to the helicopters from her Ikran but I'm worried that they'll get her.

"Cover her! Throw the spears at the windows or the things that makes circles!" I call out to the other warriors.

I hear someone charging at me behind my back and I turn in the right moment to stop a human from shooting me, I kick the gun away and use my axes to finish him, the blood spills and covers my hands.

Somehow they take down one of the helicopters and I have to get out of the way as it comes down and collapses near the rocks I was in. The other helicopter goes to the side of the island, where there are more rocks than anything and they lower there, more people coming out, then the thing flies away.

"What are they doing?" I mumble.

We're almost done with the people that were here, but we're missing the ones that just came out.

I decide to just go for it and walk towards where they'll be, I notice a spear lying on the sand and take it up, point at one of them and throw the thing with all my force, it goes through their stomach.

The only things that makes this fight more difficult is that they have guns, so we lose time trying to cover up and then attacking. They manage to get to the sand and they shoot down some of our people.

There's rage growing inside me, I see Neytiri flying above me as she shoots down more of them and when she is out of arrows she comes down and takes a spear to fight.

I run and kill one of the humans that were going to shoot at a warrior, I try to look for Miles and I can't see him so I pray that he's okay as I keep killing the humans I see.

I think.... I think we made it, I think we're done until I notice some of those robots similar to the ones that were used to kill the Tulkun coming out of the water.

"Careful!" I shout at my brothers at sea but I'm not sure they can hear me.

The sky is clearer now.

I notice Miles, he's at the shore firing at some of those things as the warriors on their Ilu's also charge at them.

I'm running towards him when I feel something crushing my arm, I cry in pain.

I look back and I see some kind of robot, someone inside this metallic thing that is at least my height.

I hiss at him and reach for my axe with my free hand, the thing tightens around my arm and I'm afraid it will break.

Neytiri has recovered her arrows and hits the machine where the big cristal was.

It shatters and the pressure around my arm decreases, I take my chance to attack the shattered cristal with my axe until I see red speared.

The robot thing finally falls down and I can feel the real damage that it did to my arm.

"Are you hurt?" Neytiri asks me.

"I don't think it's broken but it hurts," I say, I don't even want to look at it.

I don't listen to Neytiri as I start to run, Miles has his back turned and a soldier is pointing at him, he won't even notice because he is fighting someone else.

I control my panic and take a deep breath before throwing my axe and hitting my target, the man falls to his knees and the shot gets fired in a weird angle missing Miles, he kills the other one he was fighting with and turns around concerned.

"Always look to your back too!" I tell him.

"We're almost done! we can do this!" he shouts to me instead.

I notice that he is true, they're almost all dead.

I have to go check around the rocks to see if there are any more robots, we never even noticed when this one came so, I take a moment to look for any other.

I suddenly stop walking when I feel a pulsing pain in my belly.

No no no. Please Eywa no. I think when I start feeling strong contractions.

This can't be happening, this is not a good moment!

I hear something else collapse, I hope it was one of the other robots from the water or the helicopter, I try to run but I feel another contraction. This time I can't hide my cry of pain.

"Anatuat! Anatuat!" I hear Miles shouting from afar.

I take a deep breath and walk to a more visible spot, I was behind a cave of rocks.


I see him, and when he sees me he rushes to my side and walks us back to the shadow.

"Are you okay?" He asks with concern.

"Yes, yes, you?" I ask checking for any bruises.

"I'm okay," he says.

We hear something else now, louder and bigger, Miles's ears press to his head.

"They're coming right? All of them," I say with concern.

"The first group was just to tire us, they probably went to the other island first and then came here, they notified that the island was empty and they're all here now," he says.

He's recharging one of those guns they have.

I listen intently and try to stay calm but the contractions come again and I can't help but at least hiss in discomfort.

"What is it?" Miles turns instantly to me.

I can't lie to him.

"I'm having the baby," I admit.

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