The Neibolt Stunt...

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A/N: (Before)
Listen to the song when you swipe past the picture before reading.

After a long and hard consideration we thought it would be bright to go help and investigate what these losers are actually getting up to.

We got out of the car and I slammed the door making everyone look at me.

"what!" i blurt aiming it at Vic and Belch as the stared as well.

"What are you doing here?" Richie asks.

"We could ask you the same thing four eyes!" Vic growls.

I smack him around the head as he yells "OWW!¡"

"Sorry for his rudeness but we all saw you guys here and wondered what you were doing." i said to them.

"W-w-we ar-re f-f-finding th-the clown." Bill Stuttered.

"Clown? W-what clown?" Belch asked quizzically.

"There's this clown that basically feeds off of the towns fear." Ben piped up.

"Kids, teens to be exact!" Beverly added.

"and quite a lot of kids have went missing so far!" Eddie said.

"wow, thank you captain obvious like we didn't know that dr K.!" Richie blurted.

"BEEP BEEP RICHIE!" Stan Yelled leaving Belch and Vic stunned.

"We did some digging and he comes back every 27 years." Mike chirped.

"and he lives down in the sewers" Eddie spoke.

"and there's a w-we-well i-in t-thi-th-this h-h-house which lea-leads to-to the s-s-s-s-sewers d-due to us d-d-doing some i-in-inves-vestigating." Bill stuttered.

"So we figured coming here would back up our facts and opinions against it." Ben said.

"Okay Okay but what does the missing kids have to do with any of you guys?" i say pointing to everyone but bill.

"i know you lost Georgie and everything Bill and i am so sorry for your loss but why you even here?" I ask adding on from my last question.

"B-be-c-c-cause G-ge-geo-g-eorgie is s-s-sti-st-still alive." Bill stuttered.

"We w-will find him!" He added as he walked into the doors.

As he took the first step Stan's voice temporarily prevented him from moving any further into the house.

"Hey!" Stan yelled.

Bill turned around slightly sniffling glaring wanting to know what he was going to say.

"Wait! Shouldn't some of us stay outside?" He asks Looking around nervous, scared to go in.

"I case something bad happens." He clarifies.

We all looked at each other and soon enough we all began measure grass blades.

i ended up being one of the ones with the shortest blades along with Victor, Richie, Eddie and Bill.

The others ended up staying outside.

Me and Victor stayed with the guys for few minutes before leaving during there mini group panic attack and snooped round the abandoned house.

We began casually talking about the events that happened.

We walked up stairs before the others soon followed on afterwards.

we saw two cupboard doors where me and vic were standing.

As we both opened them we heard crash behind us.

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