What Have I Done ?

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Patrick's POV:
After we asked vic and belch what they were doing here they said they're taking a walk.

We just walked the opposite way to the junkyard and i found something suspiciously odd about this place.

It smells better here and ...

"my prams missing" i mumbled to myself thinking no one could hear me.

"what?!" henry asked

"I SAID MY PRAM IS MISSING!" i yelled as i looked down a very confusing sight.

"Is that tarp moving?" henry asked.

I looked at him and looked back at the tarp, it looked as if it were breathing, if it were human.

I walked towards it and ripped it off and there was a naked Beverly lying on the floor half conscious replacing the spot where my old younger brothers pram was placed after i smothered him to death.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" We both yelled as we had three pairs of eyes staring into our skulls.

We heard a faint 'uh oh' from someone in the group that had came which could only mean one of them had something to do about this.

I just ran from the scene and away from everyone else while i spend an hour crying to myself.

After an hour i realised no one followed me and comforted me, i felt really hurt by that.

We ran into the junkyard and they had found Bev, but she's regaining her consciousness so i start to panic.

"uh oh!" i mumble quietly but not quiet enough as they all faintly heard me.

Patrick runs off into the clearing and the boys immediately turn to me.

"Whatt!" I yelled at them.

They just had quizzed looking expressions painted on there face, they knew i did something.

But they don't know what, and i wasn't going to let them know.

Beverly then pipes up trying to say something but i just walk over to her and scream "shut up" put a tarp over her head "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" and turn around and walk past shoving henry and victor out of the way.

"this is too weird." i say before leaving the scene.

i ran into the forest and found my little den from when i was five then i found a hut that i remember staying in a couple months back when things got pretty bad at home.

I decided to camp in there for the night.

I opened the door and made myself at home, tidied up the place then all of a sudden footsteps were heard near the hut.

I look out the window there's victor and belch. I see henry from the clearing and i shake my head and motion the boys to get henry away.

At first they were confused but finally agreed and drove henry away.

Victor's POV:
We knew Y/N was hiding something but we also knew she wasn't going to straight up tell us but considering what happened at the junkyard i already have my assumptions of what happened.

After a few minutes of chasing after Y/N me and Belch finally found her, but it was when she violently shook her head no like she did when she wouldn't jump of the tree.

I realised now, henry beats her, she was saying something about been beaten by her brother and now as well as being scared of her dad she's scared of henry.

I mouthed 'okay' to her and went to back to henry.

"Did you find her." He asked.

"No i didn't... but i really think you should go find and check up on Patrick." i said to him.

The Abused || Belch x Victor x OC  (POLY) || ITWhere stories live. Discover now