Chapter 4

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It was James Gordon he was serious looking he looked straight to my eyes. "Miss Anderson is that you?" He said still looking at my eyes seriously. I was in shock how did he know my name? " yes thats me" I said. " I'm James Gordon, I'm a detective, can I ask you real quick how did you escape joker?" He said confused . It was funny, he assumed that I escaped. " luckily my boyfriend, Tyler, helped me escape" I said trying to hold my laughter. He shook hands with Tyler " nice to meet you" he said as if he was was suspicious of Tyler." nice meeting you too" Tyler said with a look of disgust. I then acted like I got a call to get away from him. " oh hello............ sorry yeah we're coming right now" I ended the fake phone call. " sorry We've got to go we've got guests" I said as I held Tyler's hands pulling him towards the car. When we got to the car I started laughing, like a lot! " haha oh my goooooddd that was so funny he assumed I escaped, does he think joker is dum?" I said  between laughs. Tyler started laughing too " it was so funny he didn't suspect a thing!" Tyler said as he was laughing. We stopped laughing and got in the car, I started driving.

Before we could arrive I turned on the radio and twenty one pilots was on, to be specific, heathens was on. I turned to Tyler and he turned to me. " Ahhhhh my favorite!!!" I screamed as I increased the volume. " AFTER ALL IVE SAID PLEASE DON'T FORGET... ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS TAKE IT SLOW" we sang together.

We arrived at my place, and got out of the car. I took the bags out of the car, " no give them" Tyler said as he snatched the bags out of my hands. " aww thanks" I said smiling to him. we walked and then suddenly I remembered Gordon's face when he was shaking Tyler's hands and started laughing. " oh my god do you remember garden's face, he was so confused haha" as I started making Gorden's face to show Tyler. He started laughing and I opened the door to my apartment, to see the joker on the couch looking at me angrily.

I stop laughing and clear my throat, I dust myself as Tyler bows down and leaves the bags on the floor and heads to his room. Joker stands up, " that took you long enough! Did you have fun!?" He said angry. " I-I-I had to b-bring some stuff for you guys" I said stuttering. He walked towards me, and with the flash of my eyes, he slapped me across the face. " do you think you have the freedom now that your at your own house?!" He said screaming at me getting close to my ear. I backed up " no I'm sorry mister Joker" I said holding back my tears. " from now on you are only to stay here, got it doll?!" He said still screaming. I turned my head to stop facing him, " yes I've got it j " I said almost hearable. " good " he walked away and sat at the couch again.

I speed walked to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. I touched my cheek slightly. " its fine violet.." I whispered to myself as I dabbed some cold water on my cheeks. I put on a fake smile and walked out.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the groceries and put them to place, when I was done I looked at the time just to realize, joker hasn't eaten yet. So I started cooking for him. I took out the fresh steaks and started grilling them. As they were almost finished I went to prepare the dining table. New clean plates, forks, knifes, napkins,spoons and some cups. After I was done I went to check the steak and it wasn't done so, I started cooking the vegetable soup. everything was done almost 10 miuntes later.

i went to see where joker was just to find him laying on the couch deep in thinking. he was staring at the ceilling not moving a muscle, his eyes not moving at all, his expression was not readable. "joker?" i said almost whispering. "mister joker?" i said louder.

jokers POV:

i laid down on the couch after i screamed at her, i was filled with the feeling of guilt. i didnt know why. i looked at the ceiling, soon fell into deep thought.

i felt a sort of emotion that ive never felt before, it was complicated.

i didnt want to hurt her, i wanted to protect her.

i didnt want her to fear me, i wanted her to love me.

no she cant love me, im uncapble of loving and caring, she doesnt deserve me.

but yet i couldnt let her go, or hurt her.

i dont know why i love her, maybe she would understand me? maybe she'll ll be the one to lead me to the light? maybe shell help me?

no its not right, no one loves you. your a monster, never a lover.

but still, i needed her. i wanted her.

i want her to be mine, for me and only me!

"joker?" i heared a fainted voice. but it didnt snap me out of my thoughts. "mister joker?" it was slightly louder, it snapped me out of my thoughts as i flinched a bit. " what?" i said looking at her. she looked tired. " food is done" she said smiling. she was cute that i thought id explode from it. she took my arm and pulled me to the dining room. her touch, it was so soft, so calming. like something id want to feel over and over again. " woa woa easy " i said looking down at her as she pulled me. " suprisseeeeee" she said opeaning her arms in the air smiling so hard. i looked behind her but i couldnt see what was on the table. i walked to the table slowly, just to start seeing my favorite food served. it smelled good. i was suprised honestly, i havent eaten fresh homemade food since being a child. i turned at her " did you make this yourself?" i said tilting my head a bit. " yes" she answered exceited for me to eat it.

i sat down at the table as she sat across me. she placed a steak on my plate " soup?" she asked as she pointed to the vegtebale soup. i nodded as i sliced ny steak. she gave me the soup and started eating. it was amazing, it was so good. ive never tasted anything that good. i felt love in it. it was made with passion. " how is it?" she looked worried. maybe my face seemed too shocked. " its great!" i said. soon enough, i was laughing. it wasnt any laugh ive laughed. it seemed like i was hurt. well i do know im hurt, but this laugh it was to obvious for her to hear. but i couldnt stop laughing. i contnued laughing but looked at her, she was calm. she didnt do anything, nor was she afraid.i coughed to stop my laughing.

thank you, i wanted to say. but it wasnt me, she would think id have a soft spot for her and all that. i really wanted to i real- " thank you" it slipped out of me. "what?" she said and dropped her fork. "n-nothing" i stuttered, i was shocked of my self, me?? stuttring??? " your welocme joker" she said with a wide smile on her face. she was cute, so cute it wasnt on a normal scale, she was adorble when she smilled.

i knew from that moment that from now on,

shes gonna be the love of my life.

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