Chapter:31- Happily ever after

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Sorry guys!

I actually thought of writing a few more chapters before ending.... But my lack of time and a tight schedule....... I apologise once again for this abrupt ending. And extremely sorry once again for cancellation of the sequel


Kamal wasn't too happy when Sai confided to him about her love for his student, that too a young impulsive and kinda immature one too. Kamal, though saw this coming..... Was still surprised and hurt too! He wanted Sai to live in a better place and according to his calculations, Virat wasn't one. He was almost certain that this was a puppy love and both of them will overcome this phase soon only for later to realise the depth of their feelings for each other. Virat tried talking crying and even begging to convince him to get Sai married to him. When Sai came to know that Kamal had rejected Virat's plea, she launched a war of her own. She completely stopped talking with him and stopped spending time with him, all in a painful attempt to make him realise that they love each other madly.

Virat was afraid to give up on their love at the same time he didn't want to disrespect Kamal sir's words. With a dilemma of his own, Sai felt hurt by the changing dynamics between them. She gave him an ultimatum. Either to be with her or breakup with her.... No in-betweens. Sai also pulled her Trump Card by threatening him with a transfer.

It took three missions and incessant cries and pleading for Kamal to realise their love for each other. He also realised that he won't be able to find a better person than Virat for Sai..... And finally approved their love!

To everyone's surprise and relief Virat's family didn't do any drama when they came to know about his relationship. Instead they were so happy that their guess had turned out right. Samrat still teases Virat about how Ashwini thought Virat might be a gay and how relived she is when she finally realised that her dearest son is in love with a girl.

A GIRL!!!!!

Bhavani though was disappointed that she didn't belong to some Royal Maratha family.... The entire family made her understand and realise the worth of Sai Joshi. With everyone's blessings they were engaged and was about to marry in another six months. Virat being the desperate chavan retorted that he can't wait another six months for their marriage and wanted to marry her As soon as possible for which he was subjected to heavy teasings and slight chides. The only thing he was disappointed was Sai nor saying those three magical words. She claimed that she was shy and blushed to deep red when they have their romantic escapedes. Virat was two hundred percent sure that she loves him with the same passion as his. But Sai was cruel and sadistic with denying his pleasure by not saying those three magical words.

Right now, he was at Kamal's house for dinner when he felt a soft foot rubbing his sole. He mentally cursed himself for teaching her the art of footsies only for her to take advantage of him in situations likes this. Her face played the innocent damsel act while her toes rubbed his ankles sensuously.

"Virat... Are you alright?" Kamal sir asked him as he served him one more roti

"Yes... Yes sir!! Am perfectly alright." Virat replied with a straight face. Kamal, though not satisfied with the answer decided not to dig more. He gave her an I-will-deal-with-you-later look for which she smiled and winked in reply. Once the dinner was over, Sai decided to walk him back home not heeding to her father or Virat's words.

Sai the stubborn Joshi.

"I can't believe we are getting married..." She said resting her head on his shoulders. He smiled and pinched her waist. She let out a little Yelp and looked at him with surprise.

"You believe it is true now?" He asked in a husky seductive voice making her blush to the deepest shade of red. She shyly nodded and continued walking with him.

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