Chapter 28: Poisoned chocolates (2)

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"The Gwendolyn I know, would hate these kids," Tito smirks.

He had doubts about her sincerity but he thinks her getting pregnant has changed her and made her more of a better person.

"Yes, getting pregnant, I think has changed me," Gwendolyn replied, rubbing her belly.

She has the urge to vomit, her hand flies to cover her mouth and she rushes out of there. Tito scowls and takes a sip of the tea.


Fiorella dresses up and goes to eat breakfast with Signora Ginvera and the twins.

"You look worse than ever, Mamma," Noello comments with a disgusted look on his face.

"I dress how I like, mind your business!" Fiorella retorts and sits down.

Noello rolls his and hisses.

"Noello you are becoming so rude these days" Noelle complains.

His attitude is getting worse every day.  "It's not your business, I think everyone should mind their business in this house!" Noello yells and stabs the noodles with his fork making the soup in it splash.

"Noello!" Fiorella scolds.

He should be thankful that he's not too close to her, she would have spanked him.

"Noello, show your mom some respect especially when she's talking to you, we didn't raise you to be nasty and impolite," Signora Ginvera mutters calmly.

"Well grandma stop wasting your saliva, you are advising a lost cause, he's a savage remember," Noelle rants.

"Shut up before I show you how savage I can be,'' Noello pouts angrily, he didn't wake up on the right side of the bed this morning.

Fiorella can't ever have peace because her son keeps acting more like a jerk everyday.

"I don't know why I even have a twin brother" Noelle rolls her eyes.

"Yes I don't know why you are even alive, you should die, goodness!, I hate you!" He yells and she flinches frightfully.

"Noello!!!" Fiorella mutters in disbelief.

"Grandma" Noelle cries and hugs Signora Ginvera 

Noello regrets yelling at her like that but doesn't show it.  "You shouldn't yell or bully your sister"

"Thank you all for successfully making me lose my appetite," Noello yells and puts his hands on his hoodie pockets. He storms out of the dining room..

Signora Ginvera gasps, she has never seen any child act like that. Noelle continues sobbing.

"Baby don't cry, I'm sure he didn't mean what he said," Fiorella sighs and goes to pet her.

"He wants me to die, he hates me," Noello cries.

"No baby"


Silicon groups **

Enzo is cleaning the first floor when Laura meets him but she's more careful this time.

"Laura" Enzo snickers.

"Lorenzo" Laura calls his full name.

"I love the way you call it" Enzo smiles at her.

"Really, that's good, I will make sure I call you that anytime I see you" Laura giggles.

"I came to invite you to dinner, just you and I" Laura invites him.

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