Visitation During Sudou Drama

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A/N: What if Ryoma's visitation with Akihito was during the Sudou drama? I just wanted to showcase Ryoma acting similar to his sire and shocking Akihito who never saw this side of his son.



The spine chilling realization of his impending death brought Akihito to his knees. He watched as Sudou paced back and forth, muttering about his future place at Asami Ryuichi's side. In some instances, he swung his gun around without care while pausing to give him bone chilling glares. Then, he resumed his pace, frantic and delusional in his rantings. Sudou's sanity started to break in front of his eyes.

Sudou's obsession blinded him to the realization that Asami wasn't interested in him.

Akihito tried reasoning with him, but Sudou didn't listen to him. Sudou wanted him dead. Gone from the world and out of the way. According to Sudou, his presence diverted Asami from his true mate. Akihito couldn't find it in himself to feel pride over keeping an elite alpha's attention. He was at the end of the gun of a delusional omega whose thoughts of grandeur caused him to kidnap someone.

Akihito observed his surroundings for a means of escape. A window. A hidden door. Anything. He found nothing to help him. Even if he wanted to go through the entrance, there were goons on the other side of the door, ready to shoot him on Sudou's order. He couldn't risk getting shot or beaten up for wasting his one chance of freedom.

In any case, he was on thin ice with Sudou.

When he first woke up, Akihito talked back to Sudou and received a pistol whip to the face. His face ached from the pulsations and knew a bruise developed on his skin. As his adrenaline raced, his cheek pulsated, aching and painful. A shot was also fired, but Sudou missed, and it hit the wall a few inches above Akihito's head. From that point on, Sudou derailed into his daydreams and Akihito remained silent.

Sudou grew impatient as he looked at his watch, "He's late. Where is he? No matter." He pointed the gun at Akihito's head and sneered. "Ready to meet death, Takaba?"

Sighing, Akihito resigned to his fate and closed his eyes. With his head held high, he waited for Sudou to carry out his threat.

A gun went off.

Akihito jumped from the sound and tensed.

Moments passed, he felt nothing. No pain. Not even a scratch of a misfire. Instead, he heard Sudou screaming in agony. Akihito opened his eyes to see Sudou laid out on the ground. Turning around the room, he expected to see Asami, but was shocked to see a blond young man holding a gun in his hands. Wearing a black turtleneck and slack ensemble, he found it surprising to see Ryoma in anything other than a suit.

His surprise vanished and a wave of panic shot through his body. Ryoma's visitation coincided on the night he was kidnapped by Sudou's men. This was the worst time for Ryoma to make his appearance. He cared little if Ryoma looked comfortable enough to use a gun, Akihito's omega instincts sent him alarms to protect his pup.

If only his legs would stop trembling.

At least, Akihito got his voice back. "Yocchan?!"

Ryoma kept his gun pointed at Sudou when he strutted toward Akihito. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah." Akihito damned himself for the stutter. He turned back to Sudou and noticed the gaping bloody hole on his knee. "That looks like it hurts. Shit."

Sudou kept his injured leg close to his body and yelled in fury. "How dare you?! Do you know who I am ?! I will fucking kill you, you son of a bitch! Guards?!"

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