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Third person
Autobot base

Rachet was staring at a computer trying to decipher what is even going on anymore "rachet what the current result" rachet looks through the lines of information "it not good the temperature has dropped water levels have risen and the waves are becoming more aggressive" optimas nodded "and the decepticons" rachet shook his head "there nothing there waiting" optimas nodded again.

Agent fowller who was receiving calls with questions but no logical awnsers "so let me get this stright there a dragon that was sealed away for hundreds of years the decepticons released this dragon who oh yeah can control the moon" Rafael shook his head "it more the dragon serves the moon and it does what the dragon ask" fowller looked at rafeal "and you found this out how" optimas spoke up "he found it out in the ruins of a old castle" fowller sighs "well how am I going to explain that people are panicking and we can't keep up a lie we been going for" optimas nodded "it will be sorted soon" fowller looked at optimas "and if it doesn't" bulkhead spoke up "this planet goes from 75% to 100" fowller shook his head "is there any news of locating this dragon" optimas looked at Raphael "is there any luck" raf looked at his laptop and went wide eyed jack looked at raf "what wrong" raf gulped "the signal that the moon is transmitting" everyone nodded "the receiver is right above us" everyone looked up "but there nothing up there just a hatch door".

Luna pov

The thought of this world being flooded is joyful to me the moon shining down the waters rising and nothing to stop me from doing so. The main problem is this stupid relic still in my chest the thing is in there tight yet I can't feel it I internally sigh. My wings start to ache so I decided to land.

I do so and the ground feels cold I shake it off and lay down letting my wings rest for a little bit '20 hours left' I was about to close my eyes when a green light shunned infront of me I look up to see a wierd circle a couple seconds pass when those creatures come through and the humans with them I open my mouth and shoot a fire infront of me preventing them coming forwards "you should leave and spend your last day" one of the humans spoke "you lot were not kidding" I block there noise out trying to get some sleep when I suddenly feel something tighten I look down to see the relic glowing I look up at the creatures to hear one saying something it sounded like a chants the same he used.

My mood turned sour and a open my mouth to fire at the creatures but nothing came out something was blocking me from shooting fire this stupid relic "shut up" the red one stepped forward "lisen us out and we will leave" I growl but sigh knowing I have no option but to listen my fires went out and I stared into the red one blue eyes.

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