chapter 14

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Next day
Louis pov

I woke up early and went to make breakfast. Last night was fun. Later Harry and Niall walk in. We start to eat breakfast and the doorbell rings.

I open it and see a man. "Hello how can i help you? How did you get past the gate?" "The gate wasn't that hard and I need to talk to you about someone very close to you," I look at him confused. "Niall?" He says then.

I let him in and Niall looks happy to see the man. "GREG!" He yells. He hugs the man tight. "Ni, you want to tell us who this is?" Harry asks looking scared at me. "This is my big brother Greg!" Niall says happily.

We shake his hand. "You don't need to introduce yourselves I know who you are we at home are big fans!" He says nicely. "Do you want something to drink?" I ask. "Water please,"

I grab a bottle of water for him. "What is wrong?" Niall asks. "Niall you need to change your last name. It can't be horan anymore," he says. "I want it to be horan!" Niall starts to complain.

"Hey Niall go play in the backyard okay?" Harry asks. "Okay," he says sadly. He goes outside. "What do you want from him?" I ask.

"Our parents were killed cus they were maffia leaders. They wanna kill Niall, I know that cus I took over that gang," he starts. "He needs to change his last name and he can't be on any socials," Greg continues.

"We wish we could! It is getting on socials or back on the streets. We have cameras everywhere except for the bathrooms and bedrooms," Harry says.

"Just change his last name in yours," he says. "If he gets killed i know who to blame," harry says angry. He grabs a pages of cigarettes and walks out.

Harrys pov

I walk outside and sit down. I start to smoke and Niall sits next to me. "I know my parents did something illegal but I don't know what,"

"I am not mad at you," I tell him. We lay down in the grass. I smoke for a bit and after a while Louis comes outside with Greg. "Ni, I have to go again okay? Be nice to them!" They hug and Niall almost cries.

Greg gives Niall to me and Niall starts to cry in my arms. I feel so bad for him and Louis walks Greg out and I hug Niall. Yes I trew away my cigarette away.

"He left again!" Niall says sobbing. I hug him tighter and I feel tears running down. I kiss him soft on his cheek and Louis comes back. He hugs us both and Niall cries makes my heart break in a billion pieces.

"He hates me!" He says. The rest of the noon we spent cheering up Niall.

"What do you want to have for dinner Ni?" I ask him. "It can be anything!" Louis adds. "Can we get nandos?" He asks. I smile at him and kiss his head. "Yeah of course we can!" I tell him.

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