chapter 6

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Nialls pov

We arrive at the mall. "My mom is a really big fan of you Liam," Zayn says. "I'm glad to hear that buddy!" We walk in and we have bodyguards with us. Harry told me to stay with him and hold either his hand or Louis's hand.

I didn't understand it at first but soon as we got out of the car I did. Tons of people run to us trying to touch Harry or Liam. Soon as we are in the mall it's less busy. The bodyguards stay behind us just in case.

We get some clothes and I see Louis looking at something. When I look closely I see he's looking at Harry's merch. It's a tpwk hoodie. "He always says treat people with kindness but he can't treat himself with kindness," Louis says. Then it hit me! He didn't eat well and this morning he didn't eat breakfast.

"Do you think he has an eating disorder?" I ask. "Yeah," Louis answers. "Come on love, Nialler!" We look around and see Harry. We go to him and sit down at some cafe.

"I can choose anything?" I ask. "Oh, we're gonna spoil you!" Harry says. I end up drinking hot chocolate with an apple pie. "If you have to choose from each album a favourite song which one would it be?" Liam asks me. "Easy! Sweet creature, treat people with kindness and Mathilda!" I say without even thinking about it.

"Why is that?" Louis asks. "Well, my parents and I used to dance on Harry all the time and we watched every interview. I was 5 when he came out to the world and I was 7 when he told the world he has a boyfriend! Ever since my parents even loved Harry more,"

I feel sad thinking about it. "They sound like the best people ever!" Harry says. "They were," I look down at my apple pie. "Okay! Zayn what's your favourite song?" He shrugs cus he doesn't know a lot of them.

"I like daylight!" He then says after thinking. "Daylight you got me caught in a daylight!" Louis sings terribly. "If I was a bluebird I would fly to you!" Harry sings. We all burst out laughing.

A fan walks to us. "Can I get a picture with you Harry?" She asks. She looks like she's 16 and I don't like her.

"No I'm sorry," Harry says and I chuckle a little. "What you laughing at?" She looks at me and I immediately stop laughing and look down. "Don't talk to him like that," Louis warns the girl very clearly.

"Why?" She asks. She looks very bitchy tho. "Cus he's a family member," Harry says. I look at him confused but I'm proud he said that! "Paul? Can you let her out now?" Liam asks and the man nods.

He leaves the girl out and I sigh. "What's wrong Ni?" Harry asks. Did he just call me Ni? "She's a bitch," I say and we laugh again.

After we were done and Harry ate everything Liam insisted to pay instead of Harry. Harry doesn't want him to pay so they start to argue a bit. "Haz, you always pay!" Liam starts. "So?" "Let's leave it to the waiters," Louis suggested.

"Okay," they lay down the cards on the table. The waitress chooses the card from Liam so Liam pays. We go back to shopping. I have tons of new clothes right now. We go back to the car but there are still lots of people. Harry comes to me. "Niall, can I pick you up? I don't want to lose you in the crowd," "okay!" Harry picks me up and Liam does the same with Zayn.

We get in the car and Harry sets me down. "You okay Lou?" Harry asks Louis. He looks scared but that would be his claustrophobia. "Yes," he gets in fast and we drive home.

"You guys stay for dinner?" Louis asks Zayn and Liam. "Sure!" Liam answers. "I don't think my mom will be very happy then," Zayn says. "I'll bring you home and I can come back after!" Liam says. "Okay," Zayn says happily.

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