chapter 8

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Next day
Harrys pov

Simon comes in and looks around. Niall runs to me. "Louis and I made cookies want some?" He asks. "Oh sorry," Simon looks at me confused.

"It's okay Ni. Simon this is Niall our kid!" I say. I hold Niall's hand and he looks happy. "Looks good on your socials!" He says. "No, he's not going on the socials! He needs a normal kid life," I tell Simon. "It's either the socials or back where you found him!" Simon states.

Niall looks at me scared. "Fine socials," I say rolling my eyes. "Go to Louis okay?" Niall nods and walks away. "You're not gonna take one of those cookies!" I look at Simon. We go to the basement like usual. "Why not?"

"Cus you're already fat and we don't want you to get more weight! Tonight you'll be telling the world about Neill," "it's Niall and fine!" I tell him.

We talk about music and after 3 hours he leaves cus I have to leave for the interview soon.

I walk to the kitchen and there are still cookies. "We saved a few!" Niall says. I grab one and take a bite. "Ni, go change okay?" I ask and he goes upstairs.

"From now on Niall won't be able to have a normal life!" I say with a deep sigh. "Why?" Louis asks worriedly. "He either comes out as our son cus it's good for the socials or he goes back on the streets," "You're kidding right?" Louis asks scared. "Nope! I wish I was. I'm gonna introduce him tonight but can you sit next to me then?" And Louis nods.

"Yeah, sure," Louis says. He feels bad I can tell. "His life is gonna change so much!" I tell Louis. "We can home-school him. You're smart enough to do that," I suggest. "Yeah," it goes silent and it stays like that for a long time. Niall comes back dressed. "You're not changed! We need to leave soon!"

I chuckle and we walk upstairs. We change and by we I mean Louis and me. We go back downstairs and leave.

"Hey Niall, you're gonna be on TV!" I tell him. "I heard you talking with that man I'm not stupid!" He says laughing a little. "You're gonna be famous!" Louis tells him. "I don't care! I'm with the 2 best people!"

We arrive and they do my makeup a little. Niall walks to me. "I'm scared Harry," he suddenly says. I go down to his level and look at him. "Can I tell you a secret?" He nods. "I am too! I feel a bit sick," he gasps. "You can't get sick!" He says worriedly.

"No, I'm not sick! I'm just feeling like this cus I am scared of how people react," I tell him and he calms down.  "Oh like that!" He says. I feel 2 arms around my waist and a soft kiss on my neck. "You'll do great!"

"Or I screw up!" Niall hits me soft on my leg. "Hey!" I say. "You can't screw up!" Niall says. "You're the best person in the WORLD and so is Louis!" Niall states. "Thank you, Ni," I get called on stage. "You got this bub!" Louis says. I give him one more kiss and get on stage.

"How are you, Harry?" Jimmy asks. "I'm great!" We talk about my music and then he shows a picture. It's a picture from the day we took Niall.

"Who's this little boy?" He asks. "Uh, his name is Niall James Horan and he's 9 years old. I met him at the meet and greet that day. He's here with Louis right now!" I say. "Can, can you get them? Louis and Niall?" I nod and go off stage.

"Let's go!" I say. "Can you lift me? I'm getting tired," I lift Niall and we go on stage. Niall sits between me and Louis. "What's your name?" Jimmy asks. I give my mic to Niall. "N-Niall Horan," Niall becomes shy again and I don't mind.

Louis grabs his hand and so do I. "And how old are you?" Niall plays with his fingers. "I'm 9 years old," Niall says. "And where are your parents?" Niall's face turns sad. "I rather not talk about it," he says very sadly. "That's okay! I heard you're a fan of Harry, when did you start to listen?"

"I think we started listening to Harry ever since I was 2 years cus I don't remember it any differently. Harry came out when I was 5 and when I was 7 he started dating Louis. I've watched every interview of Harry with my parents and we danced around," he starts to light up when he talks about these kinds of things 

"Harry, did you know you had this kind of effect on people?" I look around. "No, I never did until Niall told me that he did those things. For me, I am just working all the time and never realised what my music does with the people,"

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