chapter 5

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Louis pov

Harry doesn't answer anymore. "Simon is an asshole you can't just let him get in your head," he looks down.

"Love, I love you so much and I can't see you like this!" I tell him and I grab his hands. "Let's cuddle and watch the notebook," I say and he nods. He starts to shake a little and he gets tears in his eyes. It breaks my heart to see him like that. "You're angry at me aren't you?" He asks sniffing. "No, I'm not," I tell him.

We lay down and cuddle. He falls asleep very fast and I knew that would happen so I didn't even bother to put on the notebook.

Nialls pov

I'm locked in the closet, my parents told me not to move. I hear footsteps coming and the door opens. "Ni, Hunny, I love you so stay here okay?" Mom asks and I nod. She closes the door again. I feel tears coming up.

"Where the hell is your son?!" A man's voice asks. "I'm not telling you!" I hear a gunshot and then footsteps. They go down the stairs and I hear the door close. I run out of the closet and see my mom and dad having a hole in their heads. They got shot?

"Niall!" I hear a low voice. I suddenly wake up and see Harry. "Hey, you okay?" He asks softly. He goes through my hair as my mom did.

"J-just a bad dream," he looks very worried at me. "Need a hug from us?" I look up and see Louis. "Yes please," they hug me tightly. I burst out crying cus of the memory.

"It's okay to be sad," I hide my head in Harry's chest. After 10 minutes like this, we pull away. "Get changed, Zayn and Liam will be here in an hour!" Louis says petting me quickly. "I just have these clothes," I point at the clothes I slept in. "I guess we have to shop with them!" Harry says very happily.

"I don't need new clothes I live in this for a year," Harry gasps dramatically and I giggle. "You are gonna need new clothes kid beside Liam loves to go shopping. Does your friend too?" Louis says way more calmly. "Yes, he does sometimes. It depends on who he is with," I tell them. "I know something! My mom brought it. Wait here!"

Harry runs out and after 5 minutes he comes back. It is his merch, it's kid's sizes and I don't know why his mom would bring that. "Why did Anne bring that?" Louis asks confused. "She wants grandkids I guess. I don't know!" We burst out laughing.

"Okay kid get changed! We lost another 30 minutes!" Louis says. Louis is very responsible but Harry isn't. I change and it's still very oversized but I don't think they care.

I go downstairs and I smell bacon and egg. "Don't you dare use those avocados!" Louis warns. "Why it's nice!" I hear a voice I don't know saying. I walk into the kitchen. All eyes are on me and I see Liam Payne.

I wave shyly. "It's still too big! Liam, we have to go shopping with him today!" Liam laughs and nods. We hear the gate bell ring. "You're friend is here!" I hear Harry saying. "Don't worry. I'm not hurting anyone," Liam says.

Zayn walks in. "Niall!" We hug and when we pull away he sees Liam. "That's Liam Payne!" He whispers in my ear. "Yes," I say smiling. "You 2 want breakfast?" Louis asks. "Okay," Zayn says. It will be the 2nd meal I eat without stealing it for a year.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Zayn I got you something!" Liam says while we eat. He walks to the hallway and when he comes back he has a shirt. Zayn gasps happily. "That's your shirt from last season!" He grabs it and he looks so happy. He hasn't been that happy since his parents got divorced. "Yeah, I heard from a little bird you're a fan so I thought why not?"

He hugs Liam and Liam hugs him back. Harry walks to me and we walk to the living room together. "You're a fan of mine right?" He asks. "Yes?" I say a bit asking. "Did you watch all my interviews?" He asks.

"Yes!" He looks confused. "But we found you on the street?" He asks again. "Well, I would walk into one of those telly shops and I watched it from there. I can't risk missing any of them! It would be the end of the world! Why?"

"Well, I have an interview tomorrow with Jimmy Fallon and Louis always comes with me. He doesn't sit next to me but is there backstage. Can you come too? Just in case?" He asks and I gasp. I don't think my eyes have been that big ever. "YESSSS!" I yell.

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