Chapter XII

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After defeating Dzoun and the Raptor cultists, Mordecai and his allies make navigate through the corridors of the Ancient Temple, preparing themselves for Revan. Soon enough, they entered a terrace leading to the inner sanctum. Revan was waiting for them. As Mordecai and his allies approached him, Revan activated his Lightsaber. 

Mordecai: It's over.

Revan: You've been at my heals for far too long! Their devotion to the Sky Hunter made Dzoun and his followers worthy allies. I had hoped Dzoun and his followers would keep you all busy long enough for me to finish here. But no, you just couldn't do that, could you? 

Jolee: You need to stop this madness before it's too late! 

Revan: You don't know what you're talking about. 

As Revan turned around for a moment, he takes off his mask. He then faces Mordecai and his allies, revealing his face. Mordecai and Jolee saw the scarred face of Revan, recognizing his face from the spirit. 

Revan: I spent thousands of years in lockstep with the Emperor's mind! I know what he's become and what he wants! The Emperor must be destroyed completely or he will consume every last living thing! There's no cost too great! If I have to snuff out every life on this world by hand to draw the Emperor out, then so be it! 

Aerrow: It doesn't have to be this way!

Revan: I was a Dark Lord of the Sith. I was the Prodigal Knight. As a young Jedi, I went to war. I accepted death and violence, and the Emperor called to me from across the Galaxy. He named me a Sith Lord and named me Darth Revan. I killed for him. I turned on the Republic, but I found redemption. It took me years to track down and confront the Emperor again. I tried to end him, but he murdered my companions and locked me away. But now I am free and I will not stop until the Emperor is destroyed for good! 

Finn: And I thought Cyclonis was bad!

Revan: All those years in his prison, I could feel him in my mind. Drawing on my connection to the Force, but I was in his mind, too. Fighting him. But when the Emperor's voice went silent, I knew the truth. I knew it was only a matter of time until he rises again and consume every last living thing in the Galaxy until there is nothing left! I was powerful, but I was also weak. But not anymore. Now I'm pure. Unburdened. Only I have been Jedi and Sith, and found clarity in the Force. Only I understand him and his death is my responsibility. I can finally have my revenge on my jailer and save the Galaxy doing it! I have the power and you have nothing!

Dove: You're wrong, Revan! 

Aerrow: Mordecai has friends. Friends who won't back down against someone like you!

Piper: We've got his back!

Repton: We will see you defeated, outsider!

???: You will not fight alone, Sky Knights. 

As the voice called out, Master Cyclonis and Dark Ace were seen entering the terrace. 

Aerrow: Master Cyclonis? Dark Ace?

Master Cyclonis: I wanted to meet this Revan for myself. I sense....a great power within him.

Dark Ace: If this is the one who threatens the Cyclonian Empire, then I look forward to dispatching him.

As Master Cyclonis and Dark Ace joined Mordecai and his allies, Jolee couldn't help but be reminded of the crew of the Ebon Hawk: a crew Revan had helped form to end the threat of Darth Malak. But now the tables have been turned. Now it was a group of unlikely allies that would face the fallen Revan. 

Jolee: Listen to reason, Revan! You don't have to go through with this. What happened to you is...tragic. But slaughtering millions of innocent lives isn't going to make things better!

Revan: I do this not for myself, but for the good of the Galaxy, Jolee. If you won't stand beside me and help me end the Emperor, then you are my enemy as well. 

As Revan said this, Jolee looked upon Revan with sad eyes. To see his friend like this saddened Jolee. He remembered Revan's path to redemption.

Jolee: Only someone so fallen sees in absolutes. Fighting you will not bring me joy, Revan. You were the savior of the Galaxy, but I cannot allow you to follow through with this madness. I...I will do what I must. 

Revan: You will try, my old friend. 

Mordecai: We stand united against you, Revan! 

Revan: I've saved the Republic twice before. I've defeated Mandalores and armies of the Dark Side. I don't care how many of you there are, I will not be denied my destiny!

Stork: We're doomed....

T7 beeps anxiously at Mordecai and Dove. Mordecai turned to T7 and offered a reassuring smile. 

Mordecai: We'll win this, T7. 

Mordecai and his allies activated their weapons and faced down Revan. The last time Mordecai and his allies faced Revan, he was too powerful for them. But now they face him once more. Revan puts on his mask and readies his Lightsaber. 

Revan: I will not let you stop me from doing what needs to be done! I AM REVAN! AND BEFORE ME, YOU ARE NOTHING!

Revan then unleashes a powerful Force shockwave which knocks everyone back. As everyone recovered from the attack, Mordecai and his allies prepared themselves to fall Revan. In that moment, the battle to save Atmos from total destruction had begun. 

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