Chapter XI

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After meeting with the Spirit of Revan, Mordecai and Jolee regrouped with the rest of the group as they navigated through the Lost Forest in search for the Temple. Mordecai and Jolee then tells the rest of the group of the Dark Reaper and Revan's plans to use it to revive the long dead Sith Emperor by sacrificing the lives of millions living in Atmos. Soon enough, they reached the Temple where a large group of Raptor Cultists were gathered around the Temple.

Mordecai: This must be the Temple. I....I sense his presence.

Jolee: Let's hope we're too late.

As the group planned out their approach, Repton spots Dzoun gathering up his followers. Fueled by anger and rage, Repton readied his weapon and confronted this. This prompted the others to follow him.

Repton: Dzoun! DZOUN!

Dzoun: So the Fallen King appears before us one more. Have you come here to renounce your heresy and join the Sky Hunter's Herald?

Mordecai: Listen to us, Dzoun! The man you follow is not who he claims to be! He's going to kill millions of people!

Dzoun: I know of the Herald's plans. I know he intends to sacrifice millions of lives. But that is a sacrifice that must be made to stop the Great Darkness!

Piper: That's...that's insane! You can't really believe that killing millions of innocent people is going to save the Galaxy!

As Piper attempts to plead with Dzoun, the Raptor Cultist simply chuckles.

Dzoun: You remain willfully blind to the truth. What the Sky Hunter's Herald intends to do will bring salvation to the entire Galaxy. Millions must be sacrificed so that billions will live.

Finn: Okay....this guy's clearly lost it!

Junko: What are we going to do?!

Repton: What I should've done years ago! Wipe this pathetic cult off the face of Atmos!

Without warning, Repton charged in and began attacking the Cultists. At this point, Mordecai and the others joined Repton in battle. An intense battle broke out between Mordecai's allies and the Cult of the Herald.

Dzoun: You cannot stop the Herald's Will!

During the battle, Repton took the fight straight to Dzoun. The two Raptors were engaged in a brutal duel.

Repton: Your death is long overdue!

Dzoun: The Sky Hunter's will shall be done!

As Repton battled against Dzoun, Mordecai and his allies battled against the Cultists. The Cultists were many in numbers.

Jolee: You need not follow your masters in this madness, Raptors! Leave now and you shall be spared!

Raptor Cultist: Silence, heretic! We follow the Will of the Sky Hunter!

Aerrow: You're being manipulated!

Stork: I'm pretty sure there's no talking to these guys.....

As the battle intensified, Mordecai cuts down several Raptor Cultists with his Lightsaber. But just as he was about to be blindsided by a Raptor Cultist, Dove swoops in and cuts the Raptor down with Kira Carsen's Lightsaber. By this point, Mordecai and his allies were starting to overcome the cultists. Despite this, Dzoun and his remaining followers remained defiant.


Empowered by their leader's words, the Raptor Cultists battled Mordecai and his allies with total devotion. Despite their best efforts, the Raptor Cultists were defeated. As for Dzoun, Repton impaled the Cultist leader in the chest with his blade. As Dzoun was brought to his knees, Repton looked down on him.

Repton: Look at what your madness has brought you, Dzoun. I am the Sky Hunter's true disciple. It is the Sky Hunter that has allowed me to bring down your cult of madmen.

Dzoun: Even after all you've remain blind to the truth.....

Mordecai: It's over, Dzoun. Your master's plot ends this day.

Dzoun: You....cannot stop the Herald's plans. You cannot....

Dove: Why?! Why follow him?! Why sacrifice millions of innocent lives?!

Dzoun: The Herald....showed me the Great Darkness. lays dormant across the stars. I have seen....worlds consumed by the hunger of the Great Darkness. Only the Herald....cant stop the Great Darkness.....

Jolee: The Sith Emperor....

As Jolee said this, Dzoun laughed as he began to bleed out.

Dzoun: To dare to dream of something that has never existed and to make it a reality; to conjure up your deepest fears and darkest hopes; to pursue a vision ruthlessly and without relent; to create the artifacts, ideology and organization of the empires of your mind: this is real black magic, the source of all true power. The Sky Hunter's Herald.....shall save life itself.....

Dzoun coughed as Jolee knelt down to the dying Dzoun.

Jolee: I know you feel that you're doing the right thing, but your....master will only bring needless suffering. This....Great Darkness is nothing more than an illusion. An illusion born out of a desire for revenge. And even if this Great Darkness could be awakened, perhaps it's best if it remained dormant.

Dzoun: condemn.....all life.......

As Dzoun took his final breath, he died without regret, feeling that he had served the Herald. Jolee was silent for a moment.

Jolee: Poor fool.....

Repton: You shouldn't have wasted your breath, Jedi.

Jolee: I would hardly call showing compassion a waste of breath, Repton.

Repton: It doesn't matter either way. Dzoun was a puppet. His sad devotion to that cult allowed the outsider to manipulate them into serving him.

Jolee: A sad sight indeed.

Mordecai: Don't worry, Jolee. We'll stop Revan.

With that, Mordecai and the group ventured into the Temple. In that moment, the group prepared for their final confrontation with the man known as Revan and stop his plot before it is too late.

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