Chapter IX

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As the Cyclonian Fleet prepared for their attack on Terra Bogaton, Mordecai realized that they would need more help in this fight. On the Condor, Master Cyclonis and Dark Ace along with Ravess and Snipe joined the Condor as the Cyclonian Military prepared for way. 

Jolee: Even with the Cyclonian Fleet on our side, we'll need more help. 

Master Cyclonis: It seems our enemy has been planning this invasion. This wasn't some random attack

Finn: You would know a lot about all things invasion, would you?

Dark Ace: I suggest you hold your tongue, Sky Knight. The only thing keeping me from ripping it off is the fact that we have a common enemy.

Aerrow soon stepped in between Finn and Dark Ace to calm the situation down.

Aerrow: We can't afford to fight now. We have bigger things to worry about.

Mordecai: Aerrow's right. If we're going to stop Revan, then we need to remain united. 

At that moment, tensions between the Storm Hawks and the Cyclonians calmed down for the time being. After that, Aerrow spoke with Piper.

Piper: What's our next move? 

Aerrow: We need to get back to Terra Atmosia and warn the Sky Council. I've already contacted Starling and the other Sky Knights and told them to meet us at Terra Atmosia. 

Ravess: We have an opportunity to kill the Storm Hawks. We have the upper hand.

Snipe: She's right! We could take those fools by surprise! They wouldn't know what hit them before it's too late!

Master Cyclonis: You will do no such thing. For now, the Storm Hawks are our allies. Any attempt to harm them will be an act of treason and I shall personally execute any traitors to the Cyclonian Empire.

With that, Ravess and Snipe were forced to remain loyal to the Storm Hawks. Dark Ace then spoke with Master Cyclonis.

Dark Ace: As much I as hate to admit, Ravess and Snipe have good points. We could kill them without much trouble.

Master Cyclonis: That may be, but killing them will not only gain us nothing, but it will prove to be our downfall. Even with the full power of the Cyclonian Empire, we cannot hope to defeat this enemy. All we would do is delay the inevitable. We need the Storm Hawks as much as they need us. For now, we must work with the Storm Hawks.

Dark Ace glanced over to Aerrow who was talking with his team. Under normal circumstances, Dark Ace would be attacking Aerrow. In this specific situation, Dark Ace might be able to kill Aerrow as well as the Storm Hawks. At the same time, Mordecai and Jolee posed a similar threat. Soon enough, they reached Terra Atmosia. As the Condor landed outside the Sky Council, the Storm Hawks braced themselves for the meeting between the Sky Knights and the Cyclonians. 

Starling: Aerrow. We got your message. What's going on?

As Starling said this, Master Cyclonis and the other Cyclonians exited the Condor. The Sky Knights became hostile, but Mordecai and Jolee stepped in. 

Harrier: What are you doing here?!

Mordecai: They're not here to fight! 

Suzy Lu: I hope you guys have a good explanation as to why you're with Cyclonians!

Mordecai: We face a bigger threat! We need to speak to the Sky Council!

Harrier: We cannot trust the words of liars and cowards. They'll turn on us the first chance they get.

At this point, Mordecai and Jolee explained the situation of Revan to the Sky Knights. While they were hesitant at first, they trusted both the Jedi and the Storm Hawks. After a tense standoff, the Sky Knights lowered their weapons and escorted the group to the chamber of the Sky Council. After an even more tense standoff between the Sky Council and the Cyclonians, they too were updated on the situation with Revan. While many within the Sky Council were hesitant to join any alliance with the Cyclonians, Aerys: leader of the Sky Council spoke up.

Aerys: Master Cyclonis. Dire circumstances have forced us to unite. Perhaps this invasion will help pave the way for peace between us.

Dark Ace: Don't count on it, old Aerys. We're only here because these outsiders threaten us. We share a common enemy.

Master Cyclonis: That may be true, but that doesn't mean we cannot be civilized about this. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Now then, we have much to discuss.

As Master Cyclonis said this, Mordecai stepped forward. 

Mordecai: Sky Council. My name is Mordecai Arkous. I am not of this world. I fully understand the tensions between the Sky Knights and the Cyclonians. But we face a greater threat. We narrowly avoided being conquered by the Empire. But now we face a greater threat. As we speak, Revan is planning something terrible on Terra Bogaton. If we don't unite against Revan, then Atmos will fall. 

As Mordecai pleaded to the Sky Council, Aerys and the Sky Council took a moment to deliberate on the threat posed by Revan. It seemed as though the Sky Council would refuse Mordecai's pleas. But after a moment, Aerys spoke. 

Aerys: After much deliberation, the Sky Council have decided that in light of this new threat, we will put aside our differences and join forces with the Cyclonian Empire to combat this threat. 

In that moment, the Sky Knights and the Cyclonian Empire had formed a fragile alliance in light against the threat posed by Revan. But even as this fragile alliance was formed, the shadow of Revan still posed a significant threat on Atmos.

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