Chapter I

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In the far distant past, Atmos is in a state of war. The Sky Knights and the Cyclonian Empire war bloody war against one another. In the midst of this conflict, the mighty Raptors of Terra Bogaton under the leadership of King Drogo stakes his claim by forging a powerful empire of his own. For decades, King Drogo ruled over the Raptors and led them to glory. On one fateful day, King Drogo sits on his throne when a Raptor Shaman appears before the Raptor king.

Raptor Shaman: Oh mighty King Drogo, a star has fallen from the sky and into the Lost Forest. Based on the alignment of the stars, I believe that it is a gift from the Sky Hunter.

As the Shaman informs Drogo of the situation, the Raptor king took a moment to ponder on this.

Drogo: So the Herald has at last revealed himself to us. I shall heed his call. Bring me my blade and shield.

Without hesitation, the Raptor Shaman gives Drogo his Crystal powered sword and shield. One he has his weapons, Drogo leaves his palace and enters the Lost Forest. Meanwhile in the Lost Forest, the Sith Lord Darth Revan walks the Lost Forest, sensing a great power within the forest. As he searches the forest, Revan finds what he is looking for. Standing before him was an ancient temple strong with the Dark Side. As Darth Revan approaches the temple, Drogo makes his presence known.

Drogo: I am Drogo, king of the Raptors. You stand in sacred ground. Are you the Herald of the Sky Hunter?

Darth Revan: I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Tell me of this temple.

Drogo: This is a sacred temple dedicated to the Sky Hunter. Only the worthy may enter.

Darth Revan: I am more than worthy.

Drogo: If you are truly the Sky Hunter's Herald, then prove it. As I am the strongest of my people, you must defeat me combat.

As Drogo issued the challenge, Darth Revan said nothing as he reached for his Lightsaber and activated it's crimson blade. Not backing down, Drogo readied the sword on one hand and the shield in the other. The two warriors saluted one another.

Drogo: May the Sky Hunter bless the worthy with victory!

Darth Revan said nothing as he assumed a defensive stance, awaiting Drogo to make the first move. The Sith Lord's patience paid off as Drogo charged at him and went for an overhead strike. Revan was able to read Drogo's movements and parried strike. Much to Revan's surprise, Drogo's sword withstood the strike from his Lightsaber.

Darth Revan: Most impressive.

Drogo: This blade has been in my family for generations. It carries the many victories of my ancestors.

A duel soon broke out between Revan and King Drogo. The Sith Lord was impressed by Drogo's skills. Darth Revan maintained a strong defense as he observed the Raptor's movements. He fought like a warrior yearning for glory. It was the same kind of spirit he saw from the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars. During the initial duel, Drogo began to press the attack and seemingly gain the upper hand.

Drogo: You have fought valiantly, stranger. Underestimating me was your downfall.

Darth Revan: I underestimate nothing.

As Darth Revan said this, he unleashes a torrent of Force Lightning on the Raptor king. Drogo was taken aback by the Sith Lord's powers. In his eyes, he wielded the power to create storms with his fingertips. Despite this, Drogo stood his ground. He charges at the Sith Lord, ready to land the killing strike, but Darth Revan parries the oncoming strike and follows through by severing Drogo's sword hand. Drogo cried out in pain as he collapsed to his knees. He looked up to see Darth Revan standing over him.

Darth Revan: You are beaten, King Drogo.

As the Sith Lord stood triumphantly over the Raptor king, Drogo was in awe of Revan's power. There was no doubt in his mind that this masked warrior was in fact the Herald of the Sky Hunter.

Darth Revan: Now you will take me to the temple.

Honoring his end of the deal, King Drogo took Revan to the ancient temple. Upon entering the temple, Darth Revan remained silent, studying every inch of the temple. After some time, Darth Revan simply leaves without saying a word. King Drogo watched as Darth Revan boarded a strange ship and took off to the skies. When King Drogo returned to his palace on Terra Bogaton, he summoned the Shaman. 

Raptor Shaman: My King! You are injured. Was it....

Drogo: Aye. It was the Sky Hunter's Herald. A masked being who wielded a blade of crimson light. He summoned lightning from the sky with his very fingertips. 

As Drogo recounted his epic duel with Darth Revan, the Raptor Shaman began painting a mural of the being that Drogo described. As the mural of Darth Revan was finished, the mural depicted Revan as a powerful demigod who was the Herald of the Sky Hunter. In the centuries to come, simply the mask of Revan commanded both fear and respect among the Raptors. It is soon prophesized that the Herald of the Sky Hunter would return to lead the Raptors to glory. Centuries later, the prophecy of the Herald's return fell into obscurity with only a devout cult known as the Cult of the Herald devoted to the legend of the Herald and await his return. Little did all of Atmos know that the shadow of Revan would soon return.  

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