Chapter VI

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After surviving their encounter with Revan and escaping from Terra Bogaton, the Condor flew back to Terra Gale. As the Condor landed, Repton expressed his outrage. 

Repton: Why did we run?!

Mordecai: We were outmatched! He was too powerful!

Repton: Had we stayed the course, I would've had his head!

Jolee: Mandalore the Ultimate spoke just like you did. You want to know what happened to him? Revan killed him in single combat. 

Finn: What the hell was that guy?! He was freaking insane!

Piper: The Force....was strong with him. 

Aerrow: We need a plan. If Revan's plan meant anything, then we're all in big trouble. 

As Aerrow said this, Jolee became quiet. Mordecai was quick to notice this.

Mordecai: Jolee?

Jolee: Something about him. 

Junko: That guy was real scary! 

Jolee: The last time I meet him, he had just defeated Darth Malak and saved the Galaxy from destruction. He had resisted the temptations of the Dark Side and even redeemed Bastila when she fell to the Dark Side. To see Revan fall like this is....out of place. 

Dove: Maybe....maybe he fell while you were here in Atmos.

As Dove said that, Jolee said nothing as he thought about his travels with Revan. 

Mordecai: You think there's more to this than meets the eye?

Jolee: There's no mistake that the man we fought today was Revan. No one in the Galaxy had a strong connection to the Force that he had. But...but all I could feel was....darkness. Anger. Rage. Pain. 

As Jolee said this, Mordecai became troubled. It was clear to him that something was off about the whole thing. 

Mordecai: Regardless, Aerrow's right. We need a plan. 

Piper: What did Revan mean by "Great Darkness"?

Jolee: I don't know. It could be anything, real or imagined. But regardless, Revan is now a threat to Atmos and possibly the entire Galaxy.

Stork: We're doomed, aren't we?

Jolee: Easy there, kid. We're not out of the fight yet. I won't lie. The odds aren't looking good for us. Right now we have possibly one of the most powerful Force Sensitive leading an army of religious zealots in some bid to eliminate the Great Darkness. 

Jolee was deeply troubled by these developments. Suddenly, a voice begins whispering in Mordecai's ear. 

Voice: The Force is with you, young Mordecai Arkous. Let it guide you.

As the voice spoke in Mordecai's head, he became light headed. 

Dove: Mordecai!

Mordecai: I'm...I'm alright, Dove. 

Aerrow: What happened?

Mordecai: I....I don't know. Something....something called out to me. A voice. 

Jolee: A voice? What did it say?

Mordecai: It said....that the Force was with me. That I should let it guide me.

As Mordecai said this, he closed his eyes and opened himself up to the Force. As he meditates, he finds himself in a blackened void. Mordecai walks through the void, hearing whispers. 

???: Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan... and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone.

???: I don't know your name—but I take up your cause. I will not remove your mask until there is justice—until the Mandalorians have been defeated once and for all. So swears... Revan!

???: The Force seeks balance. Always.

As Mordecai wanders into the void, he sees two forms of Revan standing before him. One was the Dark Lord of the Sith. The other was the Prodigal Jedi Knight. As the two forms of Revan stood before Mordecai, the blackened void revealed Revan's fight with King Drogo. They stood before an ancient temple surrounded by thick forest. 

Drogo: I am Drogo, king of the Raptors. You stand in sacred ground. Are you the Herald of the Sky Hunter?

Darth Revan: I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Tell me of this temple.

Drogo: This is a sacred temple dedicated to the Sky Hunter. Only the worthy may enter.

Darth Revan: I am more than worthy.

Drogo: If you are truly the Sky Hunter's Herald, then prove it. As I am the strongest of my people, you must defeat me combat. 

As Mordecai watched Revan defeat Drogo, he snapped out of his trance. 

Dove: Mordecai! What did you see?!

Mordecai: I saw....a temple. was inside a large forest.

Finn: A temple in a forest? That totally narrows it down?

Repton: He speaks of the Lost Forest. 

Aerrow: The Lost Forest?

Repton: It is a sacred place where the Sky Hunter resides in. Any Raptor who enters the Lost Forest is tested. Only the strong survive. No outsider has ever set foot in the Lost Forest.

Mordecai: Except the Herald. I saw him. He fought King Drogo.

As Mordecai says this, Repton was visibly shocked by Mordecai's words. 

Repton: How do you....

Before Repton could question Mordecai, Jolee steps in.

Jolee: Sounds like the Lost Forest is our best bet. That temple has to be the key to Revan's plans. But we're going to need more help. 

Stork: I don't like where this is going.....

Mordecai: We'll need Master Cyclonis. With her power, she may be able to help us beat Revan.

Piper: What makes you think she'll help? 

Mordecai: If Revan's plan succeeds, then the Cyclonian Empire will be destroyed. She'll act out of self interest. She helped us defeat the Empire. 

Dove: I have a bad feeling about this....

In that moment, the group decided that their best chance was to recruit Master Cyclonis in their fight against Revan. Meanwhile, Revan and the Cult of the Herald had entered the Lost Forest. In that moment, the clock was ticking. 

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