Catalina looked at Anne's neck again, "Anne, I'm not letting whoever did that get away with that. Who did this to you? I'll track him down and do it myself if I have to," she now again wiped away some of the dust on Anne's cheek.

"No. No no. Don't. Wait- why do you even care? I thought you wanted me dead more than him?"

Lina ached at the assumption and hugged Anne close to her chest, "never. I want you to be okay, at least okay. Preferably I want you to feel amazing."

"Can we go? I don't want to stay here," Anne changed the topic, quietly she whispered in Lina's ear, "you've met the person who did it."

Catalina tensed, "let's go to my house. And maybe tell Jane that you won't be around as soon."

"Everything hurts," Anne whimpered, "can you please help me..?"

"Of course, you little idiot," Lina wrapped an arm around Anne and steadied her all the way to her house.


"Okay, sit down," Lina led Anne to the couch.

"I just noticed that I've never been here before," Anne hummed as she looked at all the different furniture, "I wouldn't have guessed this to be the circumstances of me seeing your house."

"First of all, thank you for trusting me. Secondly, has this, or anything like it happened before?" Lina cupped Anne's cheek gently.

Anne took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "yeah, uh, for context, I'm gay. He's been harassing me about that."

Catalina narrowed her eyes, "alright, so who was this guy? I'll kill him, I swear. This world already has too many homophobes, if one of them is targeting you there is nothing holding me back."

"No, Cata, you don't understand," Anne interjected, "you wouldn't want to hurt him."

"Who is it? Another Thomas?"

"No, worse," Anne shook her head slowly.

Catalina started getting impatient, "tell me, Anne, I'll make sure the bastard will bleed."

"But I'm convinced you don't want him hurt!"

"Give me. A name," Lina repeated.

"I can't, he'll hurt you! Or Jane or Kat or Cathy or Anna! I will not rat him out!" Anne started yelling.

"If you don't tell me now, I'll call Jane," Lina warned, grabbing her phone.

Anne reached out for the phone so she could toss it somewhere out of reach, without success, "Lina! You can't! You promised!"

"Oh, well excuse me for wanting you to be safe!"

Anne tried to argue back, "I didn't ask you to care!"

Catalina started dialling Jane's number. "I'll write it down, just don't call her!" Anne caved.

"Thank you," Catalina sat the phone down, "good job. Now was that so hard?"

Anne squeezed her eyes closed and silently prayed that he'd never find out about this. "Don't find him though," Anne requested, "I'm fine."

"He almost cut your throat," Catalina scoffed, "now if you'd write down his name please," she handed over a pen and paper.

Very hesitantly Anne picked up the pen and, while taking as long as possible, she wrote 'Henry'.

Catalina read over the name multiple times in disbelief, "specify please. Is it Henry Manox? Is he back or..?"

Six the Musical Oneshots (Not Given Up On, Just On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora