Aralyn p4

239 8 4

Part 4 yayy

May I just mention that I basically created half a school system and timetables for each and every one of them. Don't even get me started on the teacher names from last chapter-

8047 words in total

- - - - - - -Day 2- - - - - - -

Catalina woke up early in the morning, just like expected.

When she found the strength to sit up, she instantly did, looking around her still flawless room.

"Home sweet home," she yawned.

Catalina had no trouble finding the note Anne had frantically written the evening before.

Her hand writing was messy, but Catalina got the general gist of it. Something about almost snapping at Anna and being awkward in public.

But also a cleaner note apologising for the mess that was Anne's room.

Catalina smiled widely, "so cute..."

Cathy knocked on the door, "today's your turn with breakfast."

Catalina picked out an outfit in a matter of seconds and responded, "I'll be right down!"

She had decided on a yellow shirt that had a little rainbow over the heart and just some jeans.

She hurried through her morning routine and ran downstairs into the kitchen.

"Good morning," she smiled at Cathy who was already halfway through her coffee and reading a book. Wicked The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, to be exact.

"Morning," mumbled Cathy without looking up.

Catalina went to the fridge and got eggs and cheese to make scrambled eggs.

"How did you sleep?" Catalina asked, forcing Cathy into conversation.

Cathy put down her book, not yet closing it, and looked slightly annoyed at Catalina, "barely. I was up writing about- stuff."

The older one of them chuckled and ruffled the author's hair, "aww. What were you writing about?"

"No one!"

"Ooo, who were you writing about? Is my little Cathy in love?" Catalina grinned teasingly while leaning over Cathy's shoulder.

Cathy sighed, "No, I'm not. I've just... been thinking about what the perfect girl would be like... And it keeps making me sad."

"Oh, I see," Catalina wasn't as focused on the scrambled eggs now, "perfect girl to be or to date?"

"Date," Cathy confirmed, "I always get this calm, sweet, angel of a person who would would want to hold my hand and cuddle while I write or we watch a movie. I always imagine someone who is more socially skilled, but also okay with not talking for a few hours together. You know? Someone I can enjoy the quiet with."

By the time Cathy had finished talking, Catalina was able to serve her breakfast.

"What would your perfect partner be like?" Cathy asked, not remembering the previous day.

"Heh," Catalina looked off to the door, "do you really want to hear my dream girl?"

Cathy nodded, starting to enjoy her morning.

"Well. If we were talking about physical aspects, I would definitely say tall and long hair. But if we were to dive into personality, I could rant about it for hours on end. So basically chaotic, I like girls who are chaotic. Random stuff in her room, not a single piece of formal clothing that doesn't have any self made details, that kind of thing. And I found out yesterday that chokers can look shockingly amazing on people."

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