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Crawling out of my comfort zone, featuring a dumb idea, distantly inspired by ride the cyclone

Anne is now an irresponsible idiot, but in a way that endangers people

Saragon because I need even more practice

Writer's block cureeee

This is such a fever dream

I love bronchial tea, and am tea addicted because I need caffeine, but hate coffee

The AU I came up with:
Once a person dies, they receive a wish, unfortunately they aren't told. Their wish comes true once they tell it to a living person, there are no boundaries. They want a second chance at life? Sure. They want someone dead? No problem.

This is what would be the blurb:
What could possibly happen if a freshly ghost messes around with humans? What would the problem be? A wish come true as it seems.


"Anne, this is fucking stupid," Kat wrapped her arms around herself and cautiously looked around the room. It was dusty, but only if you looked closely. Someone had clearly lived here not too long ago.

Anne shrugged and pulled out a ouija board, "you can leave if you want, but I'm not driving you. And one of the rules is to never use the board alone, so unless you want me to die, Jane's also staying here. Since last time we met a 300 year old who asked to play chess, I'm determined to do this."

This intrigued Catalina, it's been some time since people came to her house, normally only Cathy would come around, as she now owned this house, but Cathy lived in a different city because of work. She assumed they found her spare key. She recognised Anne, she was the motive for her death. But pretty quickly in death she had decided to let go of grudges, so she wasn't going to haunt her.

She leaned against the wall, ready to amuse a few uninvited guests. It was dark enough for them to barely even see the board.

"I can't see shit," Kat continued complaining.

"Then give me the candles you insisted on bringing!" Anne snapped back, Kat reluctantly shoved a package of candles in Anne's hands, "Thank you."

Jane crossed her fingers as she saw Anne set up candles, "I swear, Anne, if you get us killed, I-" she broke off with a terrified squeal when Catalina lit the candles all at once.

"Oh," Anne smiled, unfazed, "thanks!"

"You, uh, you said something about rules," Kat tapped Anne's shoulder, "could you name them please?"

"Okay, let's see," Anne started counting on her fingers, "obviously never play alone, sit in darkness or in candlelight," she pointed at the candles, "never play in a cemetery, treat the spirits with respect," she listed, "always say goodbye and take the planchette off when finished, or else they might get mad."

Jane pulled Kat closer to herself, "let's sit through this together while she does this."

"Sorry," Anne interrupted, "Kat, can you take notes? Keep track?"

Kat grabbed her notebook, Catalina giggled softly, "what on earth are they doing?"

Anne began some sort of speech to apparently summon Catalina, then asked if Catalina was present.

"Yeah," Lina nodded, to which the planchette moved to 'yes'. She raised an eyebrow, "that's how easy that is? Cool."

Anne beamed and began her next question, "can you hear me?"

"Yes," Catalina responded quickly, "come on, is that all you want to ask?"

Anne excitedly nudged Jane, "you see that Jane? You see that?"

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