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Person A orders a Pizza but didn't expect the delivery girl (B) to be so cute

This really short.

I like it.


It was movie night and Anne had ordered pizza so that Jane wouldn't have to cook.

What Jane didn't know though, was that Anne asked for an extra cute delivery girl.

According to the app, which allowed them to track the order, the delivery girl was already there, but hasn't been moving for three minutes.

Anne was excusing it for mental preparation, I mean, imagine being sent out as the cutest girl to a random house.

There could be creepy guys waiting to do shitty stuff.

Obviously Anne didn't tell that to Jane, and Kat had agreed to help her so she wouldn't either.

Jane tapped her foot impatiently, "what's taking them so long?"

Kat was sneaking peaks out the window, waving Anne over, while Jane was staring at her screen.

"Anne look," Kat whispered, "don't tell me you actually did it.."

Anne grinned a put a finger over her mouth as if saying 'play along'.

Outside, Anna was almost shaking, it was absolutely freezing and she was nervous. She tried to look through the windows from the sidewalk.

She didn't mean to stalk anyone, just looking if there were crusty old men to look out for. Instead she saw two girls looking right back at her and one distracted girl behind them. They looked to be around her age.

The one with pinkish hair waved happily.

Anna involuntarily sighed relieved. No guys visible so far!

She built up the courage to walk to the door.

She knocked on the door firmly and recalled the extra money she was promised from her disgusting boss to lighten her mood.

Jane rushed to the door, "Hi!"

Anna forgot to breathe for a moment, holy shit, that girl was drop dead gorgeous.

"H-Hello..." Anna mumbled before clearing her throat, "I mean, hello. Here's your order."

Jane herself was now in shock, surely this wasn't a coincidence.

"Jane," a girl from inside the house nudged her a little bit too strongly.

"Oh! Right! The food, I'm sorry."

Jane took the pizza boxes and pressed them into Anne's grip who put them on the counter, then her gaze returned to Anna. Jane was a mess, stumbling over her words and blushing brightly as she handed Anna ten bucks despite having paid already. (Alright look, where I live, Germany, two bucks is the usual amount to tip someone. Idk about anywhere else, but I know it that way)

A strange tension started building between them.

Anna didn't know how to respond, but she felt like just leaving now would be the wrong way to go.

"Thank you," Anna smiled softly, not used to getting so much.

Jane got completely lost in Anna's eyes, and she was starting to zone out dreamily.

"Sorry for her, she's just a bit too gay to function," Anne grinned behind her.

"Here's her number in case that applies to you too," Kat added while handing over a neatly folded piece of paper.

Jane was struggling to stop the two, or hold them inside, but Anna had already taken the number.

"Thanks," Anna smiled again, more comfortably now, "you really okay if I take this?"

Jane hesitantly nodded and Anne did too excitedly.

"Look," Jane spoke, while pushing her younger cousins back into the house, "I am SO sorry about those two. They're obsessed with getting me a girlfriend. I made the mistake of letting them order the food, I hope this didn't make anything weird for you. You could have a boyfriend or someone already, and if that's the case I'm literally so sorry."

Anna chuckled, "it's okay," she readjusted a little pride pin that she had stuck to her jeans, "I am indeed single."

Jane squeaked, "I- I have to get back to babysitting two adult children. Have a great weekend!"

Anna grinned, "you too," with that she walked back to the car.


Jane leaned at the door, her head reeling.

"Anne, I would be mad at you, but I think I'll let you get away this time," Jane said loudly.

Anne and Kat highfived and giggled at their cousin.


The end

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