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Here it isss

JustAnotherTimeLord sorry i took so long, exams have been stealing my writing time

I broke my record, this well is over 12000 words, yet under 13000, you have been officially warned.

I'm so sorry if I made mistakes, at this amount of words I can't be bothered to proofread it all. I hope you understand.

Let's collectively agree to not mention the poorly written evilness-


A sigh left Anna's mouth as she shifted in her seat, she was always working, always.

At this point she had thought about quitting multiple times, but one can't just quit being the president of the entire world, can they? And sure she had help, every single country still had the I lor own leaders that stood above many many other people, but she was at the very top.

At the very, very top.

She was at the top of the world, everything was at her fingertips, with a single snap she could end lives, if she so wanted.

(You could say she had gone from being the queen of the castle to being the queen of the world.)

But having as much power as she did came with, let's say, disadvantages.

There have been 38 assassination attempts made against her. For many years, six to be exact, Anna had felt an unbearable emptiness. It isn't exactly easy loving, it isn't easy trusting, when you have everything anyone could ever ask for.

She had done every self defence course, knew how to handle every weapon and made sure to never let anyone too close to her. Just to be safe, she even carried antidote of all kinds on her in a little foldable bag on the inside of her coat at all times.

On her bedside table was a loaded gun. Her bedroom door had eight locks, the hall leading up to said bedroom was guarded 24/7.

But back to here and now, one of her favourite assistants was stood in front of her.

"Ms. Cleves, it is believed that-" Anna raised her hand, to which the other stopped talking.

"Oh, come on, Lina, how many times do I have to tell you? Just call me Anna, yes? We've been working together for years, we've been friends for years," Anna smiled tiredly.

"Well," Catalina straightened her back, "Anna, it is believed that one of the best trained, most dangerous assassins has it out for you. And even though I am aware you are the only one who is legally allowed to make this decision, but I personally think that you should stay back for a bit. Go to one of your houses and hide for a few months. We are already doing everything in our power to identify this person and capture them."

Anna's smile dropped into a half hearted frown, "I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine, there is no one in the world who can cause me any harm. I mean, I've prevented four hired killers from getting to me by myself."

Catalina shook her head, "no, I'm afraid this one's even better trained, be careful. Trust no one."

With a breathy laugh Anna pat her shoulder while getting up, "thanks."


Despite knowing that her life was in danger, Anna wasn't going to stop going out. She always did this, let one of her only friends, and trusty righthand woman, Catherine Parr, take care of work for the day.

Six the Musical Oneshots (Not Given Up On, Just On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें