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I think I write too much Aralyn and Parrlyn. Gimme a few requests if you feel like it :)

Not proofread multiple times


"Look, Anne, I just don't think this is a very good idea," Catherine sighed as the younger girl paced through the room with a bright grin on her face.

"Well, why not? We both have speeches, or letters, planned for people we like romantically. So why not try them out?" Anne stopped right in front of her.

Catherine sat on Anne's bed and looked at the printed text she was gripping onto strong enough to crumple the paper and make her hands shake, "I'm not convinced you aren't going to make fun of me," she whispered, not looking up from her own heartfelt words.

Anne cracked her knuckles and sat at her desk chair, she spun to see Catherine again. "If you're so scared, I can start," suggested Anne with a teasing undertone to her words.

Catherine exhaled, weirdly enough, Anne couldn't appear to be able to tell if it was a relieved sigh or a frustrated one. "That'd be great," Catherine nodded, "thanks."

Anne cleared her throat and made the most dramatic hand movements possible to play this speech off as a playful rehearsal of words to Catherine, to make it seem less serious.

"It's not easy to describe how I feel; whenever I look at you my mind seems to run a million miles a second. I thought to not know how I felt about you. I was conflicted, your mere presence sent me into an internal argument. You made me feel angry, but oh so joyful. You made me want to punch a wall the second you walked into a room, but I also wanted to hold you tight. You distracted me every single second I saw you. I was scared, your voice alone set off a strange feeling low in my stomach. It made me smile, it made me behave unbearably bad. But I came to the realisation that it wasn't hatred I felt, it wasn't the annoyance in your eyes that I chased. It was love, it was the time I spent with you that made me so happy, not your exasperation. I can't help but misbehave around you, even still I want to see you be annoyed at me, I cannot help it. And so I'm telling you, so that you really understand it this time, that I have fallen deeply in love with you," Anne finished with a proud yet embarrassed expression on her face, it wasn't like her to be this open with her feelings.

Catherine stared at her, wordlessly eyeing how she looked. Wondering who would be the intended recipient for these words, she saw how Anne fidgeted with her hoodie strings, she could see how tensely Anne sat there, waiting for a reaction.

Neither of them knew how much time had passed when Catherine began to speak, "wow," she said. 'Wow' out all things she said 'wow'. Shit.

"I mean," she coughed awkwardly, "that was impressive, I didn't know you had it in you. And you memorised that all?"

Anne's beam returned, excitedly she nodded and struck a heroic pose, "I sure did! Pretty fucking amazing, isn't it!?"

Catherine chuckled, "yeah, I'm pretty sure whoever that's for is going to love it."

Anne's excitement faltered ever so slightly, "you think so?"

Catherine closed her eyes to nod, "definitely. If someone told me all of that I'd melt completely halfway through," she looked back at Anne, "but I suppose it's my turn now?"

Anne giggled excitedly, "yay!" she pushed herself off of the chair she was sat in to jump on the bed next to Catherine. Hugging a pillow close to her chest, Anne encouraged Catherine to start with an excited nod.

Catherine took a deep breath and started reading out what she had written, "my dear.. blank," she stopped for a moment, uncomfortably squeezing her eyes shut to mentally scream at herself for actually not removing the name that was at the top of the page.

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