Chapter 15: a very sudden change of feeling.

Start from the beginning

"I'll.. uh... go get dressed too..?"

"Oh! Yeah. Sure!"

Another moment of silence..

"Okay then!" I say before slamming the door.

Oh god- why did I say that? Why did I just slam the door in his face? I stuttered so much. That's so stupid!! And why did I say yeah and stuff so much!???

'Uhh.. yeah!' Who says that!?!?!

Stupid stupid stupid!! Ugh!!

I fan my face, which was really hot, and took a very deep breath. I walk over to my closet which had all the cloths I had bought from reapers store. Of course their were other cloths as well, but it's mostly stuff from his shop. I have a black Button up that had a white skull with a rose growing out of the eye embroidered on the back, and a small skull embroidered on the right part of the chest on the front. But besides that, I got nothing relatively fancy.

I guess I'll wear that.

I threw on that shirt and some blue jeans and Doc Martin's, with a black leather belt with a silver buckle.

I really need more fancy cloths.

I throw on a few rings and a silver chain necklace. And look at myself in the mirror that I got a while back for my room.

God why do I look horrible in everything I wear? Should i change? I should change-

"Error. You fixing to be ready?" Nightmare says from the other side of the door, knocking.


I quickly wipe any dust off me and try and straighten out any wrinkles in my shirt. I grab my wallet, phone, and stick a pocket knife in the back pocket of my pants.

I open the door, and nightmare was leaned up against the wall on his phone. He looks up at me and gives a smile.

He seemed confident again.

That was fast.

He was wearing a navy blue thin turtleneck with black dress pants and dress shoes. He had some black sunglasses in his hand, and a small bag that was hanging on his arm. he had a very thin gold necklace with a small circle on it. Inside the circle was a picture of him and dream. They looked young in the picture, around 12 or so, and looked very happy.

I'm guessing dream had given him the necklace as a gift probably. I dont know. It was nice tho.

"You look nice" he says to me, before I get the chance to compliment him.

"Yeah. Thanks. You do too." I say with a small smile. he smiles back.

"You ready to go?"

"Yep! Totally!"




I watched as nightmare walks over to the door and grabs his keys that where hanging on a small hook on the wall. He opens the door and holds it open. It takes me a second to realize hes opening it for me, and then I rush out so hes not just standing their.

He closes the door and locks it before shoving his keys into the small bag he had. We chat awkwardly for a long while as we walk downstairs. We get to nightmares car, which I had seen a few times, but never actually ridden in. Due to the fact that killer lived his car and wanted to drive it all the time.

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