Chapter 27

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Waking up the next morning, Jess stretched out her sore muscles. She wasn't used to all of this exercise, not just hiking and climbing, but also all of the sex.

After their passionate session under the stars, they stayed there for a while, lying in the grass and muck as the stars moved above them in a slow arch. They admired the wonders of the universe before making their way to bed after food. The hot dogs were truly burnt by then, so they stuck with some plain cheese sandwiches they had packed in case their cooking was not up to par.

Good thinking on Jessica's part.

Once inside the tent, they shared one sleeping bag.

Nose to nose.

Chest pressed against breasts.

Their breaths mingled into one as they watched each other.

Jess noticed the way his breathing wavered every time she touched him, the slight inhale of surprise whenever she kissed him. It was intoxicating to be there so close to him. When they made love that night for the second time, it was slow and gentle but still as amazing as all the other times they had slept together.

He had that power, to make her feel good no matter what he did. Everything he said—every look, every touch—made her burst like she was a stick of dynamite ready to explode.

Now, in the morning, with sunlight streaming in through the crack of the zip of the tent, Jessica's heart ached.

What was she doing?

Where could this possibly go?

The longer she stayed here in this false reality, the harder it will be when she has to return to the real world and to real life. Not just for her but for both of them.

At some point, they do have to wake up. This isn't forever. It can't be. The damage they have done to Adam's memory is already too deep; to continue it any longer would be to shatter it completely.

Looking at his face now, though, how could she let him go? With his gentle kisses full of promise and his eyes that came alive whenever he looked at her.

She watched him as he slept, her face a breath away from his. He looked so peaceful and perfect. But she had to let him go, for both of their sakes. She nestled in closer, letting herself keep him for a moment longer. The sound of his heart thumping away inside his chest was like a lullaby, begging her to just forget and hold him a little longer. She shivered from the cold spring air, but the tears that ran down her cheeks had nothing to do with the cold.

She didn't want to let him go.

Jake's arms tightened around her, his head nudging into her neck as he took a deep breath. "Hmmm..." He hummed, his hands pressing into her back. "I love waking up with you in my arms." She rubbed the tears from her face.

Jessica's stomach dropped. She loved it too, but they shouldn't. This was wrong.

She unzipped the sleeping bag, crawling out from near him, desperate to breathe air that didn't smell like him. It clouded her judgement.

She reached for her clothes. Her naked body suddenly felt slimy with guilt as she slipped the clothes on. Jake watched, his expression unreadable as she sat back, away from him.

Awkwardness hung thick in the air between them; Jess couldn't look up to meet his eyes, fearing she would cry again if she saw his expression.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked, breaking the silence first.

Jess sighed, shaking her head and looking down at her knees as she brought them up to her chest. "This, Us. It has to end." She told him, her voice quivering as she looked down, careful to avoid his gaze.

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