Chapter 11

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7th November

Jake: Thanks for the cherry bakewell; it was sooooo good. The Noise guys loved theirs as well.

Jessica: Omg. What did they say? And I'm glad you liked it.

Jake: I seriously can't stop thinking about it. Can you marry a cake? And Mike made a mmm sound continuously as he ate, which I heard every second of in my headphones, so he definitely enjoyed

Jessica: Yay! But also sorry you had to endure the mmm torment. I know how you hate the sound of people eating. And I'm going to say no; you can't marry an object... Same tomorrow?

Jake: Are you trying to fatten me up?

Jessica: You could do with some meat on those bones.

Jake: There's plenty of meat on these bones; they're called muscles. It's not my fault; you're a weakling.

Jessica: Cheeky

*Half an hour later*

Jake: Does The Weakling have any plans for tomorrow?

Jessica: ...I'm going to ignore that.... Just working, why?

Jake: Maybe you can come join me at the gym?

Jessica: I think I'd rather die.

Jake: I promise, it's not as bad as it sounds.


Jake: Pick you up at 5?

Jessica: Fine, but know that I am seriously not happy about it.

10th November

Jessica: I'm still aching. I hate you.

Jake: Impossible; I'm too loveable to hate. So I take that as a no for a gym session tonight?

Jessica: I'd rather die.

Jake: Weakling. There's a new horror film out; wanna check it out this weekend?

Jessica: Will there be a blanket there to cover my eyes at the scary parts?

Jake: I don't think they sell those behind the counter... Will my jacket do?

Jessica: The sacrifices I make for you.

16th November

Jake: Do you still have my jacket?

Jessica: Yes, it was an excellent protector, thanks.

Jake: Not that scary after, was it? I actually found it funny sometimes.

Jessica: I just don't cope well with jump scares... If another cat jumps out of the shadows, I will leave in protest.

Jake: It kept you awake all night, didn't it?

Jessica: Fuck off.

Jake: I am rolling my eyes, just so you know. And also, don't be scared of the pussy, they're friendly.

Jessica: Did you really just say pussy... Why am I friends with you? Well, anyway, you can come with me to see this new rom-com in a few weeks, to say sorry.

Jake: Rolling my eyes again...

21st November.

Jessica: Come and help me, please.

Jake: What with?

Jessica: I need someone to go in the attic and get the Christmas decorations down.

Jake: Don't you have a ladder?

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