Chapter 7

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Leaning back against the wall on the stairs, Jessica surprises herself by reaching her hand out to grip Jake's arms. They both stare at the contact—both of them confused at the tingles that spread up their arms like waves crashing on the shore—then find each other's eyes again.

"Will you come to bed with me?" Jess asked nervously.

Jake raises an eyebrow, shocked at what she said.

Jess wanted to mentally slap herself. "Sorry, I just realised how that sounded. It's just ugh..." She paused and bit her lip. She noticed Jake shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

"I haven't slept here since being with Adam. I'm not in his room or anything. I told Grace I couldn't cope with that. But it just feels strange being here without him. Will you just sit on the bed with me until I fall asleep?"

Jake ran his hand through his hair. He looked uncomfortable at the request.

"I'm sorry!" Jess said and turned to make her way up the stairs, her face glowing with embarrassment. "It was stupid and wrong of me to ask. Please, just forget I said anything."

Jake caught up with her at the top of the stairs. He gripped her wrist and pulled her to a stop, using his other hand to tip her chin so he could see her face. "Don't be silly; I understand. Of course I'll come with you."

They made their way to the bedroom, and Jake grabbed one of the guest dressing gowns before sitting on the bed. Why, oh, why did he take that Batman costume off?

Jess grabbed her pyjamas and went into the ensuite to get changed. He found himself nervous. Did he just sit on the edge of the bed? Did he move to make himself more comfortable? He didn't know how to navigate this situation without making it look like he expected anything from her.

He ended up plumping the pillows and leaning back against the headrest, his head feeling light from all the alcohol.

She came out of the bathroom, and Jake had to clench his jaw to stop it from falling open. Though he was unable to advert his eyes. Her make-up was gone, and her curls had been brushed out into waves around her. She was wearing plain silk pyjamas in a soft pink that suited her figure.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" Jess asked, climbing into bed next to him.

He shook his head, no, but his heart was thumping yes. Yes, he did mind! How could he do this—lie next to her, touch her, smell her, and not caress her cheek or kiss her lips? It was an impossible task, and she had no right to ask for it from him.

But yet, he couldn't say no.

She settled beneath the blanket as he reached behind him to turn the lights off. She snuggled forward, her head resting on his thigh, which was only covered by the thin material of the dressing gown.

He looked up to the skies, praying that if there was a god, that he would give him the strength to behave.

"Thank you, Jake." She whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. Her voice soothed him. His hand found her hair, unable to resist the red waves as he ran his fingers through it. A soft moan left her lips at the touch. His hand stilled for a moment before continuing.

Looking down at her, he again marvelled at how beautiful she was. Those eyes were closed, but he knew how green they were, reminding him of a forest on a crisp spring morning. Her lashes were naturally long, resting gently on her cheeks, which were scattered with freckles.

As he watched her, her breathing got deeper and her breaths more even. She was asleep, and it was torture to see her this way. He wanted to see her like this every morning and every night. Her beautiful face was soft, with no worries or pain.

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