'Since Dev had already chosen Sam for him. Shaurya used to get many marriage proposals. I too had sent my distant niece's proposal for him but both Suniti Bhabhi and Anubhav Bhaisahab had not shown any interest. Who knew that this girl was going to be the lucky one.'

'Your height isn't much. You even seem shorter than your sister. Do wear heels whenever you go out with Shaurya as he got a descent height.'

'Suniti, it looks like your daughter-in-law would indirectly punish you by making you wait so much. You could only get to hear the good news once she finishes up her degrees, gets a job and then plans for the children. Kids these days literally take a lot of time. They least care about elders' aspirations and whims.'

'Does she too go to Chandigarh with Shaurya every time? No? Then that's good otherwise girls these days hardly prefer staying with in-laws as they need freedom.'

While walking back to the room, Manjiri felt disturbed and even more conflicted than ever. Switching off the lights of the stairs, soon she found herself inside her room. It was late. Though nobody was forcing her to sit with those guests, but she herself doesn't wanted to give any of them yet another reason for making up things. It was evident that many weren't able to digest the fact that why a girl who wasn't educated enough, had no proper job and qualifications, no wealthy family background was married in a family who had everything in abundance.

It looked like that he had fallen asleep. Room was dark. She slowly walked up to the bed and looked at him. His eyes were closed. He must have been tired, she thought. Picking up his specs and phone which he had placed beside his pillow, she placed them on the nightstand.

For a minute, she sat beside him in silence. His and her phone beeped together repeatedly. Dev had shared a number of photos on their group chat.

She downloaded a picture of Shaurya and her.

Was their pair really looked that odd?

Maybe, that lady was correct. Their match was incompatible. She was unworthy of him and that family.

A well educated and professional person like him deserved a partner suitable to him in every sense. Not someone like her. Someone better with the same profession, qualifications and family background like him. Someone with whom he doesn't look odd but like a ideal match.

She didn't know why but whenever she was picturing him with someone perfect, she was picturing him with Priyal. She was hating herself for it. But she was helpless. For some reason, Priyal's face only clicked her mind each time.

Priyal was better than her in every sense. Be it looks, qualifications, family background and nature. Priyal had her own identity whereas Manjiri believed that she herself had none. She was just Shaurya's wife, Adishri's sister or Suniti Mohan's daughter-in-law in the eyes of the outer world. She was nothing without that Mohan surname. Manjiri Rao's existence was over way back.

She placed away her phone with disinterest, on that same nightstand on which his phone was kept. She stared at his face aimlessly, replaying the events of the entire day. She couldn't stop thinking about it. The dull pain in her lower abdomen was not helping either. But her menstrual cramps weren't bothering her that much as much as other things were.

She felt drained. All her physical and emotional energy was sucked away. She didn't know why, but every time the past came up somehow she felt herself feel that pain all over again. Her emotions were all over the place, she felt overwhelmed to the point that she broke into silent sobs.

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