Chapter 258

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Winter passed and Spring came. A new year had begun.

At this moment, the grass was just starting to sprout. Everywhere was an indication of early Spring.

The golden Sun hung highly in the air, emitting warmth across the land.

Currently, a woman was holding onto a slender soft sword (tl: maybe the type that bends easily?)

In the woman's hand, the soft sword came alive. It was moving at an astounding speed, like a graceful dragon. Those who witnessed this captivating sight wouldn't be able to look elsewhere.

That woman is no other than Le Yao Yao!

Leng Jun Yu had already left Le Yao Yao for five years. During this time, Le Yao Yao wasn't afraid of suffering and pain. Aside from spending time with her son, she spent all her energy on her martial arts. It was as if she was using martial arts to fill the gap of Leng Jun Yu.

Each day, she would wake up early and sleep late.

Each day, she would tire herself out as if she was fighting in war.

Although Leng Jun Yu had been gone for years, the intensity of her love hadn't lessen one bit. Instead, she actually missed him more as time went by.

During the most silent part of the night was when Le Yao Yao's heart hurt the most. It was as if her heart was missing a corner. And that corner will never be filled by anyone else.

By refusing to stop until her limit, Le Yao Yao's martial arts improved at an unbelievable pace; even the Tianshan Daoist was amazed.

After all, at first, the Tianshan Daoist only promised to accept her as a disciple because she was Leng Jun Yu's beloved woman. At the time, he thought Le Yao Yao would give up after learning a few moves. Her body was weak and wasn't suitable for fighting.

But Le Yao Yao ended up surpassing all his expectations. So, he decided to pass down all his martial arts to her.

Le Yao Yao didn't disappoint the Tianshan Daoist. Within four years, she was already at a very respectable level.

At this moment, Le Yao Yao was practicing a new technique that her Sifu had just taught her.

Although it wasn't hot, Le Yao Yao was soaked with sweat from her early practice. But, Le Yao Yao had no intentions to stop until she heard a crisp voice calling her.

"Mommy!" he squealed.


Hearing her son's voice, Le Yao Yao immediately pulled back her soft sword and handed it to a eunuch standing off to the side. Then, she turned around.

Her son was running really fast. Just a few steps before he reached Le Yao Yao, he tripped and began to fall forward.

"Ahhh! Mommy...!" the little boy yelped. He was about to fall face down onto the ground. But right before he landed, a pair of snow white arms caught and embraced him.

"Xuan'er, are you alright? Mommy has told you many times not to run so fast! What if you fall down?" Le Yao Yao scolded. She hugged the meaty soft body as she crinkled her brows.

But Leng Yi Xuan pouted his lips and blinked his cute big eyes. He whimpered, "But I miss mommy! Mommy, please don't be mad."

Then, Leng Yi Xuan purposely made a cute face. He had inherited Le Yao Yao's watery pupils and knew how to make the perfect puppy face.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao's frustrations all went out the window. "Oh you..."

Le Yao Yao felt hopeless as she lightly pinched Leng Yi Xuan's cute little nose. Her eyes were filled with love.

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