Chapter 210: Tong Ya

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"I can take it off, but you have to do it."


Could "he" be telling the truth? "He" was really a eunuch?! Le Yao Yao just happened to look identical to Slug?

Thinking of this, Nangong Jun Xi instantly felt shaken. In addition, he was hesitant. Should he personally inspect and take off "his" clothes?

But if he was really a male, then what?

While Nangong Jun Xi's thoughts were going wild in his mind, Le Yao Yao's back was already drenched from cold sweat.

Right now, she was just gambling. She knew she was being selfish. But she didn't want to be Princess Lulu and marry Nangong Jun Xi. She only wanted to be with the King of Hell.

Le Yao Yao could detect the hesitation from Nangong Jun Xi. Seeing this, she felt more confident and took a step forward.

"Come and take off my clothes then!"

She deliberately raised her voice to show a more powerful stance.

Nangong Jun Xi subconsciously took a step back.

Initially, Le Yao Yao thought Nangong Jun Xi wasn't going to do anything. But Nangong Jun Xi actually raised his hand towards her.

"Fine, I'll take it off."

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao felt as if her heart was going to explode.

Oh God! He really was going to take off her clothes?!

Currently, it was as if someone had struck her acupoint. She couldn't move at all.

All Le Yao Yao could do was stare with her eyes opened wide. She didn't even dare to breathe as the hand approached closer and closer towards her.

Just as Le Yao Yao was about to protest and stop Nangong Jun Xi, unexpectedly, he stopped.

"Forget it. I doubt you would have the courage to lie to me." Nangong Jun Xi bitterly stated. Then, he took back his hand but a huge disappointment could be seen on his face.

On the contrary, Le Yao Yao felt very relieved. Whew. Luckily he didn't do it. Or else...

By the time Le Yao Yao looked up again, Nangong Jun Xi had already turned around and left dejectedly.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao felt a bit guilty....


After Nangong Jun Xi left, Le Yao Yao continued with her unfinished job. However, she was no longer focused on her task. Instead, she was sweeping very robotically.

Oh God! So, she really was Princess Lulu? She was the person that Nangong Jun Xi was so disgusted by that he actually fled to Prince Rui's residence to avoid?!

Who would've thought that he tried so hard to escape yet still encountered her?

Oh God! What type of joke are you playing on me?!

Le Yao Yao didn't know whether she should laugh or cry. Just as she wanted to howl to the Heavens and vent, she heard a strange sound coming from the tree in front of her.

Le Yao Yao immediately went to the source of the sound to check.

At this moment, she was standing in the back courtyard. She was surrounded by osmanthus flower trees. Since it was the summertime, the trees were filled with yellow flower buds. She could already faintly smell the lovely scent.

Suddenly, Le Yao Yao noticed a sneaky figure leaping from the wall onto the tree. The person was about to climb down from the tree.

Since the branches blocked her sight of vision, Le Yao Yao couldn't see the face of the intruder. But, the person was dressed in a male white outfit. His hair was tied up in a long ponytail. She was positive it was a man!?!

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