Chapter 255

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"N-No. That's impossible. H-how could he be dead?" Le Yao Yao's headpiece was shaking nonstop. Her voice sounded like it was breaking.

Then, a roll of crystal tears rolled down from Le Yao Yao's pale cheeks. She seemed so weak. It was as if she was going to vanish into thin air.

Seeing this, Xue Ping and Xue Li quickly held onto Le Yao Yao. They were deeply saddened by the death of Prince Rui, but even more so, they were concerned about Le Yao Yao's physical wellbeing.

All of a sudden, Le Yao Yao stormed up to Mei and seized his collar. She shrieked, "You're lying! You're lying to me! Yu wouldn't die. He wouldn't die like this! He said he will come marry me!!"

Le Yao Yao was acting like an insane person. Mei didn't move at all and allowed her to vent. Le Yao Yao wouldn't stop shaking him.

Then, her eyes rolled back and she collapsed into darkness.


Nothing is more painful than anticipating for your wedding then finding out your lover has died.

The almighty Prince Rui got into a battle with the last remaining members from the evil cult just before his wedding and unfortunately fell to his death. (tl: I thought they were already dead. What the heck, author?)

This news shocked the nation. After all, the common people considered Leng Jun Yu as a God-like figure. He was like a majestic mountain that would never topple. Who would've expected such a man would meet such a sad fate?

As a result, the Heaven Yuan dynasty had three days of silence to show respect.

Prince Rui's body was never found. Most likely, his corpse had already been eaten by wild beasts. So, his coffin were filled with all the items he had once used.

Since Prince Rui had done so much for the country, on the day of his funeral, all the common people stopped their work to bid farewell to their hero.


It was a scorching hot and blinding day. From the ground, a layer of smoke could be seen rising. The green tree leaves couldn't handle the heat and curled together as the branches hung low.

Despite this, Le Yao Yao felt like she was in the middle of a blizzard. She couldn't feel the slightest warmth. It was as if she was in an icy cave; her blood streams had solidified.

Le Yao Yao didn't want to see people's pitiful glances. Because, to her, it was a reminder that Yu was dead. He will never come back again...

"No! Yu, how could you lie to me?! Why? You promised that you will marry me. I have been patiently waiting. Why must you leave me?" sobbed Le Yao Yao.

Le Yao Yao felt as if her heart was being ripped apart. She buried her face into her knees as she wrapped her arms around her knee.

On the outside, the Emperor, the Empress, and the twins were pleading for her to open the door. But Le Yao Yao covered her ears. She didn't want to hear or see anyone right now. She only wanted to be left alone.

She was like a wounded animal, silently licking her wounds at a corner.

Her tears wouldn't stop running. By now, everything around her was blurry. She couldn't see clearly anymore.

Everything turned black and white. Then, it would go dim from time to time. Perhaps, she had cried too much.

Again, someone tried knocking on the door. Le Yao Yao was surprised the door was still intact. Honestly, the people from the outside could forcefully break in if they wanted. But no one dared to do so. Instead, they kept pleading for her to come out.

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