Chapter 218: Dongfang Bai's accidental confession

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Hearing Dongfang Bai's familiar and restless voice, Le Yao Yao froze. She didn't know how to react.

Suicide? Who's committing suicide?

Le Yao Yao blinked her swollen pupils. She was confused.

Dongfang Bai couldn't read her mind as he continued, "Xiao Yao Zi, I don't know what you went through, but the child is innocent. If you're afraid Yu won't want you anymore after this, I want you. If you're afraid you can't afford to raise the child, I'll be the child's father and raise it with you!"

Dongfang Bai was extremely emotional. He even made a touching confession.

Again, Le Yao Yao blinked her swollen pupils. She finally snapped out of it and lifted her head to look at the panting Dongfang Bai.

He must have been really worried about her....he thought she was going to do something foolish?

"Brother Bai, I wasn't trying to commit suicide."

"What?! Y-you weren't planning to kill yourself? Then why are you standing here?"

Earlier, when Le Yao Yao found out she was pregnant, she reacted like she was suffering from devastating news. Then, she dashed out like she had turned mad. At the time, Dongfang Bai thought his heart was going to leap out of his throat.

It took a while before he was able to stabilize the patient, but once he did, he ran out to search for Le Yao Yao.

He had been searching for her for a very long time underneath the burning Sun. His back was drenched with sweat and he was panicking so hard that he thought he was going to turn insane.

Unexpectedly, the person he was looking for was standing in front of the lake and looked like she was about to jump in. So, he rushed over and grabbed her before anything could happen.

Luckily, he arrived just in time. What would he do if she had died?

Dongfang Bai felt terribly unstable.

But not only did Le Yao Yao say she wasn't committing suicide, she had a smile on her face.

Wasn't this change too drastic?

"Brother Bai, can you please release me first?

"Uh.... ok...."

Dongfang Bai released Le Yao Yao. Thinking of what he had just said, his face flushed.

In order to conceal the awkwardness, he cupped his hand into a fist and coughed in it.

But being the slow person that she was, Le Yao Yao didn't notice. Instead, she stated with confidence, "Brother Bai, I've thought it through!"


"I've decided to give birth to this child!"

A glint of determination shone through Le Yao Yao's eyes. She was no longer the weak and lost girl at the medical clinic.

"I thought you didn't want the child! You don't know who the father is either!? What made you change your mind?"

Le Yao Yao was so strong. Dongfang Bai's heart couldn't help but tremble when he saw the fearlessness in her eyes.

This girl is so fascinating. How could he not like her?

"Earlier, I really thought about aborting the child because I have no idea who the father is. I was afraid this child will stop me and Yu...."

At this moment, Le Yao Yao paused and pain could be seen in her eyes. But it was quickly replaced by strength.

Then, she slowly shifted her hands on her tummy. Currently, it was still flat. Her face softened, "This child is mines. He is part of my blood. We are connected. How could I bear to hurt him? Although I don't know who the father is, I will give birth to him regardless. After all, he's already in my stomach. It means it's destiny. So, I won't abandon him!"

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