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"you're all stitched up!" A nurse smiled down at me while I was lying down in a delirious state.

"where's ajax?" I sat up quickly making me gasp from how quickly my breath ran out. I looked around and he was nowhere to be seen. "He left when we started putting stitches in you," The nurse exited leaving me all alone and for the first time in two days I couldn't go back to sleep.

It was deathly silent and I felt my jaw clench. Ajax was probably off somewhere with my sister, making out with her. I get it he's her boyfriend but it still made me angry.

I folded my arms over my chest and lay back down having a stare off with the wall.


I gently pushed Enid against the wall of my dorm and began to kiss her slowly. "whose with evelyn right now?" she whispered against my lips before grabbing my face and kissing me harder.

"nobody," I muttered and then she pushed me off. "Wait what? you left her alone?" Enid held her hands against my chest pushing me back.

"It's fine she was under some drug, she was getting her stitches done so I left she won't wake up for a while," I shrugged her off and took her hand leading her from the lockers to behind the school as people were coming.

"It's fine Enid," I reassured her and she just nodded her head before grabbing me and pulling me back into her lips.

Yet something was missing. It didn't feel right to kiss her right now.


Ajax snuck back into the room quietly closing the door and sneaked back to the stool. He jumped out of the stool when he finally looked at me with my eyes wide open glaring at him.

"enjoy time with Enid?" I sat up smoothing out my duvet. "I was with Xavier." He shrugged and I slapped him across the face.

"No. Thorn was with Xavier, she told me when she came to check on me, she also told me she saw a certain someone in a pink jumper kissing a certain someone in a beanie," I raised my eyebrow and he shrivelled up in his chair.

"tell me truth next time," I muttered blankly before turning back to him where he was nodding slowly.

"I'm allowed to leave finally, now that i'm stitched up," I pulled back the duvet and gingerly stepped onto the cool stone floor of the nurse's office.

I limped over to the bathroom in the corner and pulled the curtain over to shield me getting dressed.

I first pulled on some fishnet tights and then over them some blue jeans ripped around the knees. I clipped chains onto the jeans and pulled on a short sleeved baggy black top with skeletons and big graphic words on it. Finally I pulled on fishnet gloves and some black boots.

I stepped out the curtain throwing the old hospital gown into a washing machine with its door open

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I stepped out the curtain throwing the old hospital gown into a washing machine with its door open.

"bye," I practically whispered before leaving the room. I walked into the quad and over to my table.

All of the wolves were on the floor rolling around having fights, arm wrestling or showing off their sharp teeth and claws.

"bonjour knuckleheads," I announced and they all stopped and looked at me blank faced. Over time their mouths curved up into a smile and they all crowded around me to give me a group hug.

"careful, squeeze me too hard and my stitches will pop right off," I giggled and they let go of me and went back to doing their thing. I went back to doing mine. I sat on the top of the table with my headphones in.

"brutal" by olivia rodrigo began to play in my ears and I smiled happily as I got back to my usual doings. I laughed at all of my friends rolling around on the floor.

I patted my foot on the table over and over again to the rhythm of the song. "Ego crush is so severe, god it's brutal out here," I muttered under my breath.

Enid saw me from the corner of her eye and ran away from wednesday all the way to the table. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled into my shoulder.

She then winced and rubbed her chin, "ugh something under your shirt is itchy," She agressively itched her chin and I put my headphones around my neck.

"Enid." She turned her attention back to me. "Those are my stitches," I laughed when her expression went shocked and then she apologised.

She then waved goodbye and ran back over to wednesday. I saw Ajax approach her and then wednesday walked away.

I soon realised she was walking over to me. "I hope your stitches do you well," she muttered blankly before turning abruptly and leaving without another word.


I looked over to where enid and ajax were standing and enid was almost pressed up against the wall. He went to kiss her and I sighed unhappily about to look away when enid completely dodged the kiss.

She said something seriously too him before walking away small tears in her eyes. Ajax looked around and then buried his head in his hands.

He looked to where I was sitting and staring at him. I quickly turned away my cheeks turning a subtle shade of pink.

He headed towards me and then crouched by me like he always used to. I felt my body warming up and a smile form on my lips. Then I remembered Enid crying.

"what did you say to her?" I asked quickly my expression as hard as stone.

"nothing." He replied staring at me with sad and empty eyes, his expression emotionless.

"Enid broke up with me,"

I really have no idea what to say here

Now if you would excuse me i have to go finish watching jack manifolds video on the mandela catalogue.

i love you all, thank you for reading!
Remember to eat or drink something, stay healthy!

-valerie <333

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