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Hello. My name is Evelyn Sinclair.

Let's get this show on the road...

shall we?

I walked across the quad notebook in hand headphones hung around my neck. Some heads snapped towards me as I walked by. I smiled smally at the people who looked at me but continued walking until I reached my table.

I was a werewolf. That means I sat on a table with a bunch of knuckleheads but it was fine. I was the oldest of the pack which meant I was practically the pack leader. I sat myself down on the very edge of the picnic table.

"Good morning." I announced to the pack and they gave me a nod as if to acknowledge me then turned back to where two of the wolves were arm wrestling.

It was miquel against honey and I watched intently at how they structured there hands and where they placed them.

"honey will win." I muttered to my sister enid who was sitting beside me. "How come? Miquel is much beefier." She leaned back seemingly to see things from my point of view.

"Honey's stance is much more balanced much more in place and controlled. Miquels elbow is wiggling about everywhere." and then as soon as I finished my sentence Miquels arm banged hard against the table.

Honey jumped in the air and started to celebrate laughing and giggling as her pack punched her in the arm and cheered for her.

"is it feeding time at the zoo?" Bianca and her stupid little fish friends crowded the table. "or do you just go crazy on a regular basis?" she said her eyes opening wide in a sarcastic manner.

"go away Bianca." I looked up at her from my notebook. "Nobody wants you here." I spat slamming the book down on the table and standing up.

"no need to square-up i just wanted to say hi." She gave me a little sarcastic smirk. "sure you did bianca. sure you did." I did a face at her as she was walking off laughing loudly with her friends and I sat back down again.

"I hate her." Enid muttered as she leant on my shoulder. "Don't we all?" I asked and a single laugh escaped her mouth.

"hey sinclair sisters." Ajax said as he walked over to us both his hat on as usual. "hey Ajax!" I exclaimed giving him a high-five and clinging onto his hand for a second.

Enid gave me a quizzical look then looked down at her feet. She thought I was hitting on him.

I let go of his hand quickly and motioned with my head towards Enid. He seemed confused at first but the finally got the memo after a while.

"hey Enid." he gently waved his hand in front of her face and she looked up from her feet at his face. "hi!" she exclaimed loudly blushing slightly. I chuckled lightly under my breath then smiled.

"I'm gonna go back to dhalia dorm for a bit. Get ready for our next lesson." I announced to the pack then hugged Enid ruffling her hair slightly. I then gave ajax a hug with one arm and walked off.

What if Enid actually did think I was hitting on ajax...the idea made me upset. I didn't want to hurt my little sister. But as long as I know that i wasn't trying to then its fine. right?

Just to let you all know ajax is my best friend. I'm not romantically interested in him in anyway, shape or form.

I sat on my bed straightening my long nevermore skirt that I hated so much. I pulled out a pencil from the blazer pocket and opened my notebook.

It was full to the brim with drawings. Snakes, Enid, eyes, lips, hands and the occasional one of me.

I flicked it to a clean page and started to draw what came to mind first thing. A black cat like the team we have for the poe cup every year. I put my headphones on my ears and turned on billie eilish's "just no time to die".

Unlike xavier, the school artist, I couldn't bring my art to life which really sucked because I would love to just magic myself a cat to have around the dorm. It's quite lonely in here all by myself.

Right as I finished drawing the second glowing green eye of the cat the dorm door swung open. I looked up to see a brunette girl with a man behind her and ms thornhill.

The girl took one look around my room and at me and recoiled backwards but the man behind her pushed her back into the room.

I took the headphones off my ears and let them hang around my neck and shoulders.
I stood up cheerfully and strode up to her. I held out my hand for her to shake and she took it hesitantly.

"evelyn sinclair," I smiled at her brightly trying to make her feel as welcome and happy as possible. "Thursday Addams." she let go as soon as she said her name.

I walked back over to my bed and grabbed my notebook I left just lying on my bed and put my headphones back on my ears.

I mentally sighed. So much for making her feel as welcome as possible.

I kept on stealing glances at the girl. Ms Thornhill gave her a dhalia flower which was very pretty and inspired me. She took it over to her side of the room with her and placed it gently and delicatley on a shelf.

Ms Thornhill and the man left the dorm and she started putting her bedsheets and duvets on her bed. I kept looking up at the flower and started to draw it in the notebook.

Thursday left the room without saying a word, most likely saying goodbye to her parents, so I stood up and left as well going to check if my sketches were any good with the resident artist.

I saw him in the quad painting a murial on the wall of the sky and birds and things so I walked right up to him on his ladder.

"hey xavier. these any good?" I asked casually holding the notebook open to him and he gave me his spraypaint to hold. I looked around as an instinct trying to detect any danger and saw my little sister showing thursday and another girl around.

He flicked threw the pages and then gave it back to me. "I like them. There good especially the dhalia flower." He turned back to his murial after the breef encounter.

I went back over to my picnic bench where the knuckleheads were back at it again pouncing on eachother, biting and swinging the occasional punch.

I joined in with them as I had nothing else to do and started punching another wolf playfully in the stomach and we ended up having a proper playfight with eachother.

"those knuckleheads over there are furs. Their werewolves. Like me!" I heard Enid exclaim and I howled showing off slightly and the whole pack joined in with me.

Enid gave me a look while grinning and I winked at her smiling back at her.

hello my loves x
Sorry if it was a bit boring but nothing exciting has happened quite yet but soon guys I promise.

I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for

(not proof read or anything so any mistakes please point out to me x)


𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐃,, 𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐱 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now