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I walked down the path in the woods. The time was 9:56pm and it was practically pitch black. I stared ahead as tears blurred my vision.

A single tear rolled down my cheek and I looked up at the dimly lit path.

"i hate him," I looked at Dr Kinbott and she then leant forwards and gave me a serious look.

"do you really?" she reached out for my hand and gave it a squeeze. "yes!" I snapped then buried my head in my hands. "I'm sorry...I-" I stumbled on my words and she patted my back.

"it's okay i'm used to people taking their anger out on me, let it out evelyn." She spoke softly and I looked up at her.

"I've gone too far. I'm such a horrible person. I took this whole hatred thing to the next level and I can't figure out why i just-" My mouth felt dry and I could no longer speak. She gave me a sympathetic look.

"this is a safe place evelyn. I'm here to help. Maybe you should stop with the revenge thing and just leave him be." she suggested gently and I nodded.

"I try...I really try but whenever i see his face I see the boy who kissed my sister instead of me," I said the last part quietly as my vision swam with tears.

"Then keep walking. Don't stop to punch him or slap him. Just walk with a glare on your face." I blinked and the tears rolled from my eyes down my face.

"he broke the promise," I whispered and she lifted my chin, "what promise?"

I gulped and then began to talk, "when we were twelve he promised me i would be his best friend forever, that i'd never go a day without him by my side. But he wasn't by my side for the last few days and it kind of just settled in,"

I heard heavy thumps behind me and I spun around and saw absolutely nothing behind me. I began to pick up the pace scared i was being followed.

I then heard it again and spun around only to be met by the monster itself. It's eyes huge and bloodshot. It's massive fists pinned me against a tree trunk and I gasped for air.

It repeatedly banged me over and over against the bark making my back ache and my broken rib felt like it was being shot over and over again.

I closed my eyes from the sheer pain and I was dropped to the ground and I opened one eye sneakily. It was running off to the gates of nevermore.

I closed my eyes and shuffled into the moonlight. Soon enough I began to transform into my wolf and I charged at the monster, tackling it.

I pounded my fist into it's teeth before it pushed me off of it sending me flying onto the concrete path. I whimpered and lay there on the ground for a while.

nobody messes with nevermore.

I got up and jumped onto it's back slashing my claws up and down the skin leaving big nasty lines of blood all the way down the back.

It hissed and roared before trying to fling me off again. I bit down hard on it's hand making it yelp out in pain before it tossed me off into yet another tree.

As it approached i tried to kick it away but it raised a huge fist and punched me right in the jaw before picking me up off of the ground and over it's head before flinging me across the woodland.

I lay curled up against a trunk of a tree, my fur matted with blood and dirt. Scars littered my skin and I saw the monster approach before I howled weakly into the night receiving many howls from the nevermore building.

It backed up and looked around scared of being ambushed by yet another wolf and ran off back to jericho. I sighed deeply before feeling myself turn back into a human.

That's when I passed out from the pure pain and exhaustion.


I rushed towards the loud noises I heard from outside nevermore in the woods. I jumped the bolted up gate and landed on the path looking around to see what the racket was.

I saw blood littered all over the leaves, tree trunks and path and I shrivelled up in fear. What happened here?

I quickly looked from side to side before I saw a shadowy figure curled up by a tree trunk. They were human no doubt and weren't moving at all.

I cautiously walked to the figure close enough to see it was girl, covered in scars leaking blood and that they were unconscious and their breathing shallow.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and turned on the flashlight, crouching down beside the person and shining it at their face.


My face was frozen in horror, my jaw hung open widely and I shook her desperately. "evelyn! evelyn! wake up evelyn please!" I yelled tears beginning to pool in my eyes.

As much as I hated what she's been doing to me I still cared deeply for this girl. The girl who was normally so strong but looked so weak in this very moment.

"evelyn! don't leave please!" I scooped her up in a bridal carry and stroked her hair gently. Blood began to stain my blazer and fingers but I couldn't care less.

I rushed into the school recieving looks from the people heading up to their dorms.

"is that evelyn?" a wolf yelled running up to me. "let her go she doesn't like you-" she paused and then stared at her in horror. "evelyn!" she yelled snapping her fingers in her face.

She looked up at me with tears starting to form in her eyes. "is she dead?" her voice cracked and I shook my head and kept running to the nurse.

I burst in the door as they were packing up their equipment.

"help! please help! evelyn's been attacked!" I yelled desperately and their eyes widened as they hurried over to take her from my arms.

She was placed in a bed and they started to attach tubes to her body. "sir we're gonna have to ask you to leave," a nurse said politely but I just shook my head frozen at the door staring at her.

"no, i'm not leaving her. not now."

i nearly cried writing that. No joke

anyway thank you all for reading!!

I love you all sm! remember to eat or drink something, stay healthy guys <3

-valerie <333

𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐃,, 𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐱 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐬Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum