Episode 19 Fainted

Start from the beginning

Jin came and hugged krystal tightly

Jin :- you scared us baby

Krystal:- sowwy

She said cutely

Jin broke the hug and ruffled her hairs

Krystal:- but how i came here oppa

Jin :- your friends took you here

Author:- let me show you flashback

When krystal fainted they all got worried

Khushi:- we should take her to hospital fast

Other nodded

Shivaay picked her up in bridal style and took her to hospital

While Anwesha ran to principal officer to tell Namjoon about it

Anwesha entered in office without knocking
And panting heavily due to running

But as she entered she was expecting Namjoon only , but there was one more person sitting there

He was back facing her but his features was enough for her to understand that he is most handsome man of the world " Mr Kim Taehyung "

Namjoon :- Ms Anwesha

Anwesha:- sorry for entering like this sir but it's emergency

Anwesha ;- Actually krystal fainted in cafeteria

Taehyung:- WHAT!!

He shouted being shocked

He ran to Anwesha , gripped her shoulder and said

Taehyung:- what happened to my baby

He asked being worried and angry  for his baby

Anwesha:- sh-e umm

She was little scare to see him angry so was not able to form a sentence properly

Taehyung:- why are you standing quite TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY BABY

He shouted directly on her face

Anwesha:- she fainted in cafeteria

She said this in one breath , being scared of him


Anwesha:- Shivaay took her to hospital

Taehyung ran outside to go hospital

Anwesha just stood there not able to process would just happened

Namjoon came and put his hand on her shoulder
She flinched a little because she was thinking about this Deeply

Namjoon :- I am sorry and behalf of him , he just freaked out

Anwesha smiled and said

Anwesha:- it's ok

But from inside she was feeling hurt because Taehyung shouted on her

On other hand with Taehyung

Taehyung pov
Namjoon hyung called me in college and told about princess's result
I was very angry on her
But then Anwesha came and told me that princess fainted
My mind stopped working
Even i shouted on her which i am regretting now but first i want see my princess

He stop the car in front of hospital and went inside

He went to reception and asked receptionist about krystal, she told him the room no

Taehyung went there saw her friends sitting outside the room

Khushi was first one to notice Taehyung there

Khushi:- oppa

She said and everybody snapped their head in a direction and saw  Taehyung standing there

Taehyung:- how is princess

Shivaay:- jin hyung is treating her

Then jin came out of room

Taehyung:- hyung how is my baby

Shivaay :- how she fainted hyung

Avni :- she is fine now right

Vanshika:- why are you not saying anything oppa

Taehyung:- hyung speak na we all are getting worried


She suddenly shouted and everyone got silent

Khushi:- sorry oppa for shouting on you

She said to Taehyung

Khushi:- atleast let jin oppa speak the he will say something na

Jin :- thank you khushi atleast there is one person who have brain

Khushi:- you are welcome op

She smiled widely

Taehyung:- now tell us about princess

Jin :- she is fine now , she fainted because of weakness, maybe she is not eating properly and taking proper rest

Taehyung:- but why

Jin :- she can tell this only

He said getting serious no matter how lienent jin is , but when it comes to health he can't compromise

Flashback end

Krystal gulped because she going to get dead by jin now

Krystal:- op-pa

She looked at jin to see if his angry or not

He smiled and said

Jin :- take rest coco , we will talk about this later

The last line he said in serious tone

He ruffled her hairs and went out

Here this episode

Please read my new book
"Only Mine"

Hey my sunshine I am back

My exams are over so now I will be posting regular I'm can't say regular because I don't know when I will

But I will post in short interval of time

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