Anwesha and krystal first meet

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Hey guys

Many of you wanted me to write one episode on Anwesha and Krystal's first meeting so here it is

But guys this episode is a side episode so will not be mentioned in the story

So let's start

So first let me tell you something about her family background

Her mother's name was Mrs soyeon and her father's name was Mr Raj

Soyeon is Korean and Raj is Indian

Raj used to work for Karan sir

And soyeon was good friend of Akshara (she was Karan sirs wife , yes yes he had wife but she died many years ago)

So when soyeon was 3 months pregnant (she was having Anwesha inside her ) Raj died in gunshoot

So she started living in lucky home society

That society is made by Karan sir actually whenever his any men dies he takes the responsibility of their families

He is the who pays for their children's education and gives them a comfortable life

But still he behave cold to everyone
Not much he talks to many people like his wife his friends etc

So soyeon gave birth to a cute babygirl

And she was named Anwesha but she never met Karan sir , she just meets his wife Akshara

After some years

When Anwesha become 4 year old she started taking training in Karan sir's academy as trainee to join Mafia buisness later

Soyeon also approved it bcoz she wanted Anwesha to take revenge for her father

Don't think that Anwesha is taking Mafia training she is learning basics of martial arts and karate in academy , real Mafia training start when kids becomes 16

Suddenly one day she got to know that her mom died and akshara went missing

After that day she become all alone she had none , it's not like she spend her childhood alone there was a caretaker who used to take care of all childrens in academy and ofc in society too

But nobody can take the place of mother she was all alone she stopped talking to everyone and become really silent

She noticed one more thing that Karan sir become heartless now I mean he was cold before but now he is really heartless

She don't know the reason why he become like this she don't know where her favourite aunt went, she don't know how her mother died she don't know anything these thoughts were too much for her

Time started passing, she was sweet from inside but cold from outside she was not cold from birth this reality made her

Some years passed like this she become 15 or you can say soon to be 16

As soon as she will become 16 she will be sent to special training centre for Mafia training

There are some trainers in academy who sees in which thing their students are good like if they are good in hacking fighting so they train them in that thing

Trainers noticed that she was good in tackling every situation, her mind is sharp , her fighting skills are also good but in this thing she is best

A random day Anwesha was practicing some attack which she learned

Then a boy came toward her and said

Boy :- sir is calling you

Anwesha looked at him and nodded

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