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The race was a mess, a complete mess no winner was declared but a fight broke out on the road, stupid Seth had gotten on his bike and dragged Quinton off his they were at on each-others neck.

I gave Seth a wicked glance and looked at Quinton was still obviously pissed off, "You are out of you mind. Both of you. You can't be fighting on the tracks!!

I cleaned the little glass chunks on Seth's and Ryder's injury, I snuck them into the pharmacy I used to work in with my mom long ago I still had the key it was so weird having my ex-boyfriend and a guy who I had this odd tension with.

"Here," I passed a tray of painkillers to Quinton it was his first time here while Seth knew everywhere around because of when we last dated. He took it reluctantly brushing his hands against mine.

I cleaned up and Seth took over, he gripped my waist lowly and moved me aside, "I got it." He said and I whispered a small thank you.

"Your mom is going to be so mad when she finds Out we snuck in for like the hundredth time." He said and I laughed.

"Right... Because of your own foolishness, you have no business with what I chose to do" I trailed and he looked up at me and smiled. "You don't go racing like that Eden, do you understand that you could have died?"

"I could have, but look where we are now, you got into a fight and you both are bruised up," I looked up and Quinton had his head on the wall his eyes closed, he wasn't asleep I knew he could hear us.

Seth helped clean the little wounds I had and I thanked him, I looked up at Quinton again this time he was up and struggling to get dressed, I almost offered to help him with his shirt but his expression was cold, I froze where I was and he looked up at Seth and tore his gaze off him as he whispered a low thank you and talked out.



I woke up and felt aches all over my body I groaned in pain and managed to roll of the bed, how I had managed to get home and slip out of sight from my mom was all by grace. I opened my eyes and saw a dark figure towering in front of me, "Morning." I knew that voice, I jumped off the bed to find Quinton sitting on my little vanity chair I got up helped myself with water and passed him a bottle itching my hair and yawning at the same time, I had my cleavage on sight and I honestly didn't care cause I had a tattoo of this guy already

"Morning." He said again and I looked at him and scrunched my nose.

"Nothing good about the morning. Who let you in?" I looked at my clock and it was 10 past 2pm

"Your sister, she was shocked to see me but not surprised to see me." He mused

'Of course," I yawned again. TYPICAL I know by the end of the day shed have forced every information from me

"What was that dirty prank you pulled last night?" he asked

"You are so full of yourself you know, someone had to deflate your ego and your tyres," I shrugged my shoulder and burped lowly

"And you think that person is or was going to be you?" he chuckled. "The only thing that was surprising is that ink you have on your back and the fact that you dated that spineless dick."

"Heard you both hate each other." Typical, and I mean what was to be expected.

"No hard feelings all I do around here is catch fun I don't know why he thinks we're in a contest, you and I both know I could buy CrossVegas."

"Then why do you race? You know they're a lot of men that are using that to feed themselves and their families."

"Like your boyfriend?" He cocked his eyebrows,

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