About Chocolate..

I took the chocolate bars he hid, tearing the wrapper off.

"Chocolate!" I responded happily, chewing it.

"Just make sure you wouldn't get yourself dirty!" He smiled, heading out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked, surprisingly for me.

"I'm going to go.. Take a shower." He answered.

Oh, this may be interesting! I giggled to myself, and he probably saw the sly look of my face.

"And I also plan on locking up the door before that." He had a small, but a still visible blush onto his face.

"Whatever.." I faked my sadness before guessing on how should I spend the rest of the day.

Oh, his diary!

I mean..

That would still be sort of bad, but I just have no idea what to do.

I grabbed it and opened it up, searching for anything interesting.

That's when I thought I listed through the last page, seeing that he had already added something.

It was a drawing of a strange, old man with yellow eyes. He also had a clock near him.

He calls himself "The Watchmaker". Whoever this man is, he observes me.. And maybe the others. He says he's keeping the "timeline" as it should be, but I do not even know what does that mean!

He says I'll have to pay incase I find and kill that..

The word was crossed out many times.

By that meaning I would suffer or lose my relatives and friends..

Would it mean that my Uncle, Frisk and maybe even Chara would die?

I'm confused.

But I will try my best to kill that murderer without anyone being hurt. Even if it means that I will decease.

I'm sorry that I couldn't do it the other way, father. But I just..

One phrase was pointed out and the letters were big enough.




Surely something interesting.

I realized that there was more, and it was..

About me!

A drawing, again..

Not so bad.

"By the way.." I heard someone's voice from the hall.. I attempted to throw the diary where it was, jumping into the bed. He came out with his clothes already on.

"Your clothes are infact dirty."

"Welp, that's all I've got."

A Wicked Smile Where stories live. Discover now