- f o u r

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right when i walk in the coffee shop my eyes follow that body. i don't even know her name for fucks sake. last night when we did whatever we did it was something. i knew she felt something i felt, i can quite descirbe it but ever since that moment not only are my eyes on her but so is my mind.

i want her and need her so much.

i wave back to em and walk by their table and tell sam to go order me a drink.

when sam gets up and leaves with em because she needed to refill her drink i sit next to her and say "hey" checking her out for the 20th time already.

she shift uncomfortably and rubs her palms and bites her lower lips. "hi jack" she whispers keeping her voice quiet.

"weren't you the girl from -

"that's me" she simply gives me a smile and says "bryanna" she nervously smiles.

god why does everything she does makes me want to rip her clothes off, fuck.

"my name is jack, but i bet you already know that." i smirk breathing heavily but purposely on her neck, feeling her goodebumps arrive.

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