Robot Trio Regroup 2

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Both Charmy Bot and Vector Bot were exploring nearby searching for Espio Bot who really went far ahead then his bot comrade in fact they were so busy searching for him they didn't notice Sonic and Numbuh 1 moving right past them

Charmy Bot: "Man Espio Bot can move really fast for a chameleon"

Vector Bot: "uh i think chameleon's are suppose to be this fast"

Charmy Bot: "i thought they can blend in with their environment"

Vector Bot: "uh yeah that too" he look in the trash can nearby

Charmy Bot: "you know he can't fit in that can" he proceed to check underneath a rock "nope not under the rock" as Vector Bot facepalm over the hypocrite the bee bot was doing he look over to see the lab in the distance

Vector Bot: "since the heroes went to the lab why not we check their"

Charmy Bot: "good idea Vector Bot" they were off to the lab

When they got their they saw Espio Bot frozen and on reboot just like Charmy Bot beforehand, taking action Vector Bot used his fire breath to unfroze their robot partner allowing the reboot progress to continue like normal as Charmy Bot focus on staring at the lab itself

Charmy Bot: "so this lab is the lab our boss came from, huh? wonder what those criminals were up to while they were here"

Vector Bot: "i don't know but its better we don't think too much on it as we have a job to do"

Charmy Bot: "but me and Espio Bot lost already how can we beat these two" On cue Espio Bot's reboot system has been completed allowing him to awake

Espio Bot: "systems activate, reboot complete" he notice his pals near him and had his head down in shame "i'm very sorry i had failed in avenging Charmy Bots defeat"

Vector Bot: "don't beat yourself down Espio Bot those guys are tougher then we fought, right now we still need to stop them"

Espio Bot: "but how can we beat them? neither me nor Charmy Bot could beat them"

Charmy Bot: "thats what i said, i'm starting to have my doubts that even Vector Bot could defeat them at this point"

Vector Bot: "don't doubt my skills i'm the most powerful between you two my chances of winning are much higher then yours no offense"

Espio Bot: "besides that! how can we save you in case you fail you might end up like us frozen and during a reboot neither me nor Charmy Bot have fire breath like you do"

Charmy Bot: "yeah we will probably be using rocks to break you free not small, but big ones"

Vector Bot: "yeah thats true, here" giving them both torches "use this in case that happens you guys need to let me handle this, stay close behind before anything bad happens"

Charmy Bot: "i guess that can work, uh how does this work" he activated it causing fires to burst out a burn down some trees, bushes, and grasses nearby ""oh?!

Espio Bot: "uh yeah probably use it when we need it Charmy Bot, the boss didn't order us to burn the world, thanks Vector Bot for these" Vector Bot nodded

Charmy Bot: "well before we can put his plan un in action we should find where those so call heroes are"

Espio Bot: "hmmm" he activated his radar again to find them again 

Charmy Bot: "its cool he can find almost anything with those radars"

Vector Bot: "well now we can use these radars hes using to make our job much easier now no threat can ever hope to escape us ever again"

Charmy Bot: "oh yeah"

Espio Bot: "alright i'm getting something, they're...returning back to the kingdom of kids next door?"

Charmy Bot: "really?! why come all this way only to go all the way back?!"

Vector Bot: "hmm they must've got something from this lab and in that case we got to hurry or else our boss will be angry we haven't caught them yet"

Espio Bot: "right our boss hasn't heard from us yet i'm starting to worry we will be replace"

Charmy Bot: "don't worry Espio Bot he won't replace us he needs us"

Vector Bot: "alright you guys stay behind me but not too far but not too close either i'm gonna be the one they will be fighting next"

Charmy Bot: "right behind you sir"

Espio Bot: "roger!"

The three hurried after the 2 heroes unaware their fears are coming true as we cut back to the moonbase to see Numbuh 1000 is getting impatient with the robot choatix not coming back to tell him they succeeded with their mission

Numbuh 1000: "looks like those trio had failed time for a plan B a replacement and i know who" he look out the window of "his" office staring at the brainwash sector v and numbuh 362 having decided on who will be replacing the trio bots on capturing Numbuh 1 and Sonic

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Codename: Kids Next Door belongs to Cartoon Network

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