Search For The Lab

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Sonic and Numbuh 1 had pass through to the next town, while they were on their way Numbuh 1 decided to ask Sonic about his so call friends he been talking more about

Numbuh 1: "So this Tails is your best friend?"

Sonic: "you bet"

Numbuh 1: "and this Cosmo girl is dating him?"

Sonic: "you right on that"

Numbuh 1: "and are they similiar to the rulers"

Sonic: "appearance and voice yes, behavior no totally different like Charmy, Espio, and Vector they are heroes and not loyal robots in my world, i'm close to Knuckles a guardian, Amy and girl who cares for me too much, Cream and her friend Cheese etc..."

Numbuh 1: "uhh interesting friends" he begin remembering all the bond he had with his friends before they were return into evil robot slaves

They eventually reach the town that the Queen and King told them about and saw how big it was for a town

Numbuh 1: "alright chit chat over with we must find the scientist lab and find Numbuh 1000's creator Metal"

Sonic: "right lets hope these people will tell us where the lab is"

Numbuh 1: "lets truly hope they know about it in general the rulers mention it was much farther from the town so we have to seek deeper to the north"

Sonic: "hold on a sec Numbuh 360 and 361 didn't say it was north away from the town actually they didn't say exactly which direction to go so thats troubling"

Numbuh 1: "well it can't be west as we came from that direction"

Sonic: "how did you know we came from the west?"

Numbuh 1: "saw some moss early on a side of the tree"

Sonic: "oh yeah  Tails mention to me that moss always grows at the north sideof stuff, alright we'll split up you take North and i'll take the South"

With a nod both boys went their seperate ways Numbuh 1 had began asking some adults with a weapon to their face where the lab was but they were clueless a bit, Sonic had tried asking some kids about the lab but they just laugh at his appearance

Eventually Numbuh 1 was told by a old lady that a lab was at the east side of town, Sonic was told by goth teen that the lab was in the east side, both boys headed to the same direction not noticing the other was in the same area

They begin asking people about the lab at the east until they finally got lucky with an old man they ended up talking together to, then they notice each other

Numbuh 1: "uh how long were we here in the same side of town?"

Sonic: "i don't know i usually care about the sky as my time and not a clock sometimes"

They then hurried far east till they saw a building that looks like the lab and it was very far from town

Sonic: "is this the lab?" Numbuh 1 notice a sign saying property of Metal owner of this Lab

Numbuh 1: "uh i think this is the safe bet this is the place" They notice how the whole lab is block by an electric fence so they look for a way to the lab

Sonic then had an idea as he grab Numbuh 1's hand and zoom them both to the rooftops where Numbuh 1 use his jet boots to get to the lab entrance while Sonic created a ramp and use his spin dash to zoom right over the fence

He manage to land perfectly fine as did Numbuh 1 as they head to the lab door Numhuh 1 tried opening it but it wouldn't budge

Numbuh 1: "great its lock"

Sonic: "hmmm" noticing a number pad nearby "remember the rulers mention a password" 

Numbuh 1: "oh yeah" he pull out the paper from his pocket and went over to the pad "okay lets see this months password is 2, 4, 9, 0" the door was heard unlocking by the time Numbuh 1 enter the ok button "alright it work"

They both witness the door opening  and look to see multiple doors all around in different areas as well as a map nearby

Sonic: "well lets go in"

Numbuh 1: "careful this could be dangerous we better make sure what we will ba facing before we recklessly go in and get into trouble" he pull out another device and begin hacking into the computers of the lab to find infomation as Sonic tap his foot impatiently

Sonic: "come on Numbuh 1 make this quick before someone comes to give us trouble"

Numbuh 1: "just be patient Sonic the sooner i know what we'll be up against the sooner we can go inside, fyi this device only works outside said building we are always about to crash into"

Sonic: "hmph whatever" Unaware to them both The Chaotix Bots had follow them all the way there mostly Espio Bot.

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Codename: Kids Next Door belongs to Cartoon Network

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