
4.1K 159 31

Summary: You wake Bucky up so he'll go outside in the snow with you.
Word count: 2.8k

It's exactly 12 in the morning when you wake up gasping from a nightmare. You wipe your arm over your forehead to get rid of some of the sweat before throwing your blanket off of you and grabbing your water. As you're taking big gulps of water, your eye catches several white things floating to the ground outside of your window.

Setting your cup down, you go over to the window and watch as the snow floats down to the ground. You smile with happiness before quickly changing into warmer sweatpants and a long sleeve. Putting on boots before you grab your coat and scarf, you leave your room and walk down the hall.

Not even bothering to knock, you walk into Bucky's room. You could hear him snoring outside his door as he lays facing you. His mouth is open and his eyes are shut. Even though he has a blanket covering most of him, you can see that he's not wearing a shirt and you push the thought to the back of your mind as you squat in front of him.

"Bucky," you whisper and refrain from touching him. You don't want him to freak out on you if you poke him. He might think he's being attacked and fight you off not knowing who you are. "Bucky," you repeat louder and lightly blow in his face.

His face scrunches up before he opens his eyes. You watch with an excited smile as he blinks a few times. "Hi doll," he says and you wave. "What time is it?"

"Twelve," you reply calmly even though Bucky's eyes widen.

"A.m.?" He asks as he slightly sits up, but when you nod your head, he slumps back down and closes his eyes. "Do you not wanna sleep alone?"

"No it's not that," you say and he opens his eyes again, confused on why you're in his room in the middle of the night if it isn't to crawl in bed and cuddle with him because of the nightmares you have. "Then what's up, doll?" He asks.

"I want you to come play in the snow with me," you say with a smile and Bucky looks at you in disbelief before he rolls over so you're facing his back.

You admire his back muscles for a few seconds before crawling in his bed behind him and wrapping your arm around his waist. He rests his arm over yours as you press your forehead into his back. "You're supposed to be my best friend," you say.

"I am your best friend, doll," he responds and you roll your eyes. "Then you would come and play in the snow with me," you say.

"Y/n, it's the middle of the night," Bucky says and you pout even though he can't see your face. "I'm very aware," you say.

He sighs softly as he shifts his legs around a tad before he stops moving. "Are you wearing... shoes in my bed?" He asks and you softly giggle.

"I wanna go play in the snow," you say cheerfully.

Bucky let's out a defeated sigh as he lets go of your arm and sits up. He throws his blanket off and crawls over you to get out of his bed. You sit up and watch as he throws on a long sleeve and jacket. He grabs a beanie and some socks before he puts his shoes on.

"Let's go," he says as he motions to the door with his head and you jump up and run out of his room before tiptoeing down the hall so you don't wake anyone else up.

Bucky follows close behind you as you go outside and start to run around in the snow. He smiles as he puts his right hand in his pocket to keep it warm as you reach down to scoop some snow up. You shape it in a ball and throw it a him.

He doesn't move as the snowball hits him squared in the chest and you laugh softly. He looks at you with a big grin on his face as you walk up to him and wipe the snow off of his chest for him. Instead of throwing one back at you, he wraps his arms around you and holds you against him as he falls down to the ground with you landing on top of him so you don't have to land on the snow.

Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now